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compiled by Robbin Moran.
Last updated 17 December 2005

Bibliography of Lomariopsis 

Copeland, E. B. 1947. Genera filicum [Annales Cryptog. Phytopathol., vol. 5] Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham, Massachusetts.
Fée, A. L. A. 1845. Mémoires sur les familles des fougères. Ve. Berger-Levrault, Strasbourg .
Holttum, R. E . 1932. On Stenochlaena, Lomariopsis and Teratophyllum in the Malayan region. Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem. 5: 245-316.
_____. 1938. The genus Lomariopsis in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands. Notul. Syst. ( Paris ) 8: 48-62.
_____. 1940. New species of Lomariopsis. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1939: 613-628.
_____. 1966. The genera Lomariopsis, Teratophyllum, and Lomagramma in the islands of the Pacific and Australia . Blumea 14: 215-223.
_____. 1978. Lomariopsis group. Fl. Malesiana, Ser. 2., Pteridophyta 1(4): 255-330.
Kaur, S. 1974. The family Lomariopsidaceae (Filicopsida) and its probable ancestors. J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 68: 153-162.
Kramer, K. U. 1990. Lomariopsidaceae. Pages 164-170. In: K. U. Kramer & P. S. Green, volume editors. Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. In: K. Kubitzki, editor. The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. 1. Springer-Verlag.
Lloyd, R. M. & E. J. Klekowski. 1970. Spore germination and viability in Pteridophyta: evolutionary significance of chlorophyllous spores. Biotropica 2: 129-137.
Lorence, D. H. 1978. A new species of Lomariopsis from Mauritius. Fern Gaz. 11(6): 367-368.
Lovis, J. D. 1977. Evolutionary patterns and processes in ferns. Advances Bot. Res. 4: 229-415.
Manton, I. 1959. Cytological information on the ferns of west tropical Africa . Pages 75-81. In: A. H. G. Alston, The ferns and fern-allies of west tropical Africa . Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations, London .
Moran, R. C. 1996. The importance of the Andes as a barrier to migration, as illustrated by the pteridophytes of the Chocó phytogeographic region. Page 75. In: J. M. Camus & R. J. Johns, editors. Pteridology in perspective. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew .
_____. 2000. Monograph of the neotropical species of Lomariopsis (Lomariopsidaceae). Brittonia 52: 55-111.
_____ & J. E. Watkins . 2004 Lomariopsis × farrarii, a new hybrid from Costa Rica between L. japurensis and L. vestita (Lompariopsidaceae). Brittonia 56: 205-209.
Morton, C. V. 1973. Studies of fern types, II. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 38: 215-281.
Nayar, B. K. 1966. Morphology of the fertile leaves of the Lomariopsidaceae, with special reference to the venation. New Phytol. 65: 221-239, + plates 9 & 10.
Proctor, G. R. 1985. Ferns of Jamaica. British Museum (Natural History), London.
Roy, S. K. & I. Manton. 1966. The cytological characteristics of the fern subfamily Lomariopsidaceae sensu Holttum. J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 59: 343-347.
Tryon, A. F. & B. Lugardon. 1991. Spores of the Pteridophyta. Springer-Verlag, New York .
Tryon, R. M. & A. F. Tryon. 1982. Ferns and allied plants with special reference to tropical America . Springer-Verlag , New York .
Underwood, L. M. 1906. The American species of Stenochlaena. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 33: 591-605.
Walker, T. G. 1985. Cytotaxonomic studies of the ferns of Trinidad. 2. The cytology and taxonomic implications. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Bot. 13: 149-249.

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