Ericaceae-Neotropical Blueberries
James L. Luteyn and Paola Pedraza-Peñalosa
The New York Botanical Garden




Key to Species


     Disterigma is a neotropical genus consisting of about 35-40 species, ranging from the highlands of Guatemala, south to Bolivia and east to Guyana.


DISTERIGMA (Klotzsch) Niedenzu, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 11: 160, 209.  1889.  Vaccinium sect. Disterigma Klotzsch, Linnaea 24: 57.  1851;  Smith, A. C., Brittonia 1(4): 203-232.  1933;  Wilbur, R. L., Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 119(3): 280-288.  1992;  Luteyn, J. L., Fl. Ecuador 54: 253-286.  1996.  Lectotype:  Disterigma empetrifolium (Kunth) Drude.

Vacciniopsis Rusby, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 20: 433.  1893.  Type:  Vacciniopsis ovata Rusby [=Disterigma ovatum (Rusby) S. F. Blake].

Killipiella A. C. Smith, J. Washington Acad. Sci. 33(8): 242.  1943.  Type:  Killipiella styphelioides A. C. Smith.

     Compact, bushy to straggly, terrestrial or epiphyte shrubs.  Leaves alternate, coriaceous, less than 3 cm long, margin entire or crenate, the veination plinerved but usually obscure, short-petiolate.  Inflorescence an axillary cluster of 1-6, often subsessile flowers subtended by a few, minute, subcoriaceous bracts;  pedicel short or lacking;  bracteoles apical along pedicel, immediately subtending the calyx, obscuring the calyx and often the corolla as well.  Flowers (3-)4-5-merous, without odor;  aestivation valvate (or calyx rarely imbricate);  calyx obscurely articulate with the pedicel;  hypanthium campanulate to short-cylindric; lobes triangular, suberect;  corolla subcylindric or campanulate-cylindric;  stamens equal, 5-6(-8), usually twice as many as the corolla lobes but rarely of the same number as the lobes, about as long as corolla;  filaments equal, distinct, ligulate, longer or shorter than anthers, lacking spurs;  anthers equal, dorsally attached near the base, membranous, prolonged into (1-)2 tubules and dehiscing by elongate, elliptical, introrse clefts or subterminal pores, lacking disintegration tissue;  pollen lacking viscin threads;  ovary inferior, (3-)4-5-locular;  style filiform, about as long as the corolla;  stigma truncate;  nectariferous disc fleshy, annular-pulvinate.  Fruit a coriaceous, thick-walled berry, blue-black or translucent white;  seeds sometimes mucilaginous.

Key to Neotropical Species                                                                                               Back to Top

  At the moment, Paola Pedraza is preparing the monograph for Disterigma at The New York Botanical Garden.


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