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Characteristics of Elaphoglossum

Although there are exceptions, nearly all species have the following characteristics:

About 80% of the species have phyllopodia (see below), which are dark bases to the petioles. Usually the leaves abscise at the junction of the dark phyllopodia and the green petioles.
Phyllopodia in Elaphoglossum

An abrupt color change can be seen where the phyllopodium meets the petiole (white arrow). 

(photo by R. C. Moran)

Acrostichoid sorus of Elaphoglossum peltatum

In acrostichoid sori, the sporangia are spread over the lower surface of the blade, not in discrete lines or dots as in most other ferns. 

(photo by R. C. Moran)

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This page last updated 7 December 2001