No. 15 - January 1999

Information for Travel in the Caribbean

For the botanist travelling in the Caribbean Islands, some information sources are cited here. The web sites listed may not pertain to the organization listed, but may have useful information for the traveler. For general travel information, get the Caribbean Vacation Planner from: Caribbean Coalition for Tourism, 80 Broad Street, NY, NY 10004, U.S.A., Tel. (212) 635-9530; Fax (212) 635-9511. This is revised annually and is free.

Anguilla Tourist Information, c/o Medhurst & Assoc., 775 Park Ave., Huntington, NY 11643. Tel. (516) 425-0900, (800) 533-4939; Fax (516) 425-0903. Also contact Anguilla Tourist Office, P.O. Box 1388, The Valley, Anguilla, Tel. (800) 553-4939 http://www.candw.com.ai/~atbtour/

Antigua & Barbuda Dept. Tourism, 610 Fifth Ave, Suite 311, NY, NY 10020; Tel. (212) 541-4117, http://www.interknowledge.com/antigua-barbuda/

Aruba Tourism Authority, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07087, Tel. (800) 862-7822, (210) 330-0800, Fax: (210) 330-8757; http://www.shore.net/olm/aruba

Bahamas Tourist Office, 150 E. 52nd St., 28th Floor North, NY, NY 10022, Tel. (800) 422-4262, (212) 758-2777; Fax (212) 753-6531; http://www.interknowledge.com/bahamas/ and http://www.bahamaweb.com/

Barbados Tourism Authority, 800 Second Ave., NY, NY 10017; Tel. (800) 221-9831; (212) 986-6516; Fax (212) 573-9850

Tourism Corporation of Bonaire, 10 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 900, NY, NY 10020; Tel. (800) 826-6247; (212) 956-5911; Fax (212) 956-5913; http://www.interknowledge.com/bonaire/

British Virgin Islands Tourist Board, 370 Lexington Ave, Suite 1605, NY, NY 10017; Tel. (800) 835-8530, (212) 696-0400; Fax (212) 949-8254

Caribbean Tourism Organization, 80 Broadway, NY, NY 100XX; Tel. (212) 682-9530; Fax (212) 697-4258; http://www.caribtourism.com

Cayman Islands Department of Tourism, 420 Lexington, Ave., Suite 2733, NY, NY 10170; Tel. (800) 346-3313, (212) 682-5582; Fax (212) 986-5123. http://www.caymans.com

Curaçao Tourist Board, 475 Park Ave. South, Suite 2000, NY, NY 10016; Tel. (800) 270-3350, (212) 751-8666; Fax (212) 683-9337. http://www.interknowledge.com/curacao/

Consulate General of Dominica; 820 Second Ave., 9t Floor, NY, NY 10017; Tel. (212) 599-8478; Fax (212) 808-4975; Dominica Tourist Office, 10 E. 21st St., Suite 600, NY, NY 10010, Tel. (212) 475-7542, (888) 374-6361.

Dominican Republic Tourist Office, 1501 Broadway, Suite 410, NY, NY 10036; Tel. (212) 575-4966; Fax (212) 575-5448

French Government Tourist Office , 444 Madison Ave., 16 Floor, NY, NY 10022; Tel. (800) 391-4909, (212) 757-1125; Fax (212) 838-7855

Grenada Board of Tourism, 820 Second Ave., Suite 900D, NY, NY 10017; Tel. (800) 927-9554, (212) 687-9554; Fax (212) 573-9731. http://www.interknowledge.com/grenada/

Guadeloupe Tourist Office, 161 Washington Valley Road, Suite 205, Warren, NJ 07059. Tel. (888) 448-2335.

Consulate General of Haiti, 271 Madison Ave., No. 17-F, NY, NY 10016, Tel. (212) 697-9767; Fax (212) 691-5991

Jamaica Tourist Board, 801 Second Ave., 20th Floor; NY, NY 10017; Tel (212) 856-9727, (800) 233-4582; Fax (212) 856-9730; http://www.jamaicatravel.com

Martinique Promotion Bureau, c/o French Government Tourist Office, 444 Madison Ave., NY, NY 10022; Tel. (212) 838-7800 ext. 228, (800) 391-4909; Fax (212) 838-7855. http://www.martinique.org/

Montserrat Tourist Information. Tel. (516) 425-0901

Netherlands Antilles (Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Maartin, Aruba,Bonaire, Curacao) http:// gov.an/

Puerto Rico Tourism Company, 575 Fifth Ave., 23rd Floor, NY, NY 10017; Tel. (800) 223-6530, (212) 599-6262; Fax (212) 818-1866

Saba & St. Eustatius Tourist Office, c/o Caribbean Tourism Office, 20 E. 46th St, 4th Floor, NY, NY 10017; Tel. (212) 682-0435; Fax (212) 697-4258

St. Eustatius Tourist Office, PO Box 6322, Boca Raton, FL 33427. Tel. (800) 722-2394.

St. John., US Virgin Islands. http://stjohnusvi.com

St. Kitts & Nevis Department of Tourism, 414 E. 75th St., 5th Floor, NY, NY 10021; Tel.: (800) 582-6208, (212) 535-1234; Fax (212) 734-6511. http://www.interknowledge.com/stkitts-nevis/

St. Lucia Tourist Board, 820 Second Ave., 9th Floor, NY, NY 10017; Tel. (800) 456-3984, (212) 867-2950; Fax (212) 867-2795. http://www.interknowledge.com/st-lucia/

St.Maarten Tourist Office, 675 Third Ave., Suite 1806, NY, NY 10017; Tel. (800) 786-2278; (212) 953-2084; Fax (212) 953-2145. http://www.st-maarten.com

St. Martin Tourist Office, c/o French West Indies Tourist Office, 444 Madison Ave., NY, NY 10022; Tel. (212) 838-7800. http://www.interknowledge.com/st-martin/

St. Vincent & The Grenadines Tourist Office, 801 Second Ave., 21st Floor, NY, NY 10017; Tel. (800) 729-1726, (212) 687-4981; Fax (212) 949-5946

Trinidad & Tobago Tourism Office, 7000 Boulevard East, Guttenberg, NJ 07093; Tel. (800) 232-0082, (212) 869-0060; Fax (201) 869-7628; http://www.tidco.co.tt

Turks & Caicos Islands Information Office, c/o Trombone Assoc., 420 Madison Ave., NY, NY 10017; Tel. (212) 223-2323. http://www.interknowledge.com/turks-caicos/ Also contact Turks & Caicos Tourist Board, Box 128,

U.S. Virgin Islands, Division of Tourism, 1270 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 2108, NY, NY 10020; Tel. (212) 332-2222; Fax (212) 332-2223; http://www.usvi.net and http://www.gov.vi/

Turks & Caicos, W.I., Tel. (800) 241-0824


Upcoming Meetings

Tropical Urban Forest Ecosystem Restoration International Conference, 23-28 May 1999, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Sponsors: International Institute of Tropical Forestry, Society for Ecological Restoration, International Union of Forest Research Organizations, & University of Puerto Rico. Topics include: Ecological and silvicultural aspects of forest restoration; urban forest ecosystem restoration; & traditional knowledge, socio-economic issues, values and ethics. Contact: www.fs.fed.us/global/iitf/welcome.html

Flora of the Greater Antilles Symposium, Friday 23 June & Saturday 24 June 2000 (Registration: evening, 23 June 2000) to be held at The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York. Principal speakers have been invited to provide the background of the botany, geology, and zoology of the region. All other participants are requested to bring posters concerning their current research on the plants of the Greater Antilles for the poster sessions.

Participants may bring posters from colleagues who are not able to attend the Symposium. Economical lodging will be available at Fordham University, across the street from The New York Botanical Garden. To be placed on the mailing list for the Symposium, send your name, complete mailing address, phone number, fax number & email to: Symposium FGA 2000, Thomas A. Zanoni, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458-5126. Fax: (718) 562-6780. e-mail: tzanoni@nybg.org . 


Miscellaneous Notes

Araliales Resource Centre: covering the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) and Araliaceae. Initial stage of the website includes information on resarchers, on-going projects, publications, etc. Contact: http://www.rbge.org.uk/data/URC/arc.htm or Mark F. Watson, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, Scotland, U.K. e-mail: m.watson@rbge.org.uk

Koeltz Scientific Books E-NEWS (new books and sales announcements) is available via e-mail, contact: koeltz@ibm.net. Their Web address is http://www.koeltz.com which allows on-line search for any publicaton in botany and zoology sold by Koeltz Scientific. The publisher has announced the series Flora de la Republica de Cuba. Series A: Plantas Vasculares. Fasc. 1 (Araceae, Aristolochiaceae, Bombacaceae, Droseraceae, Linaceae); Fasc. 2 (Mimosaceae).


New Publications

Barneby, R. C. 1998. Silk tree, guanacaste, monkey's earring: a generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas. Part III. Calliandra. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74(3): 1-223. The last of the three volumes in the mongraphic revisions of the synandrous

Mimosaceae of the Americas. Special price for the purchase of the three volumes together. Available from: NYBG Press, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458-5126, USA. Fax: (718) 817-8842. e-mail: scipubs@nybg.org <http://www.nybg.org/bsci/spub/catl/order3.html>

Mercado Sierra, A., V. Holubová-Jechová, J. Mena Portales. 1998. Hifomicetos demaciáceos de Cuba enteroblásticos. Mus. Regionale Sci. Nat. Monogr. 23: 1-388 + map in cover. Available from: Museo Regional di Scienze Naturali, Via Giolotti 36, 10123 Torino, Italy. Price: Italian Liras 140,000 plus postage


Bibliography of Caribbean Botany. 14

The thirteenth part of this series on Caribbean plants and fungi, their ecology and taxonomy, covering the years 1984 to the present, was published in the Flora of the Greater Antilles Newsletter No. 14, of April 1998.

Authors are again reminded to send copies of their publications to the editor of the Bibliography for inclusion in future parts of the seies. Send publications to:

T. Zanoni
New York Botanical Garden,
Bronx, New York 10458-5126, U.S.A.


Ahmed, N. 1997. Azadirachta excelsa: a monograph. For. Res. Inst. Malaysia Res. Pamph. 120: i-xii, 1-59. [Neem tree].

Akpan, G. A. & M. Gul Hossain. 1998. Karyotypes and evolutionary relations of Hibiscus asper Hook. , H. cannabinus L. and H. surattensis L. (Malvaeae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 126: 207-216.

Al-Shehbaz, I. A. & R. A. Price. 1998. Delimitation of the genus Nasturtium (Brassicaeae). Novon 8: 125-126.

Anonymous. 1998. World Congress on Amber Inclusions. Anbarreko Inklusioei Buruzko Nazioarteko Biltzarra. Congreso Mundial sobre Inclusiones en Ambar. 20-23 October 1998. Cicotia-Gasteiz, Alvara-Araba, Basque Country, [Spain]. [Abstracts of symposium on inclusions in amber.].

Arias Grana, I. 1998. El género Philodendron Schott (Araceae) en Cuba. Feddes Repert. 109: 33-39.

Archer, R. H. & A. E. van Wyk. 1996. Celastraceae: correct orthography and author citation for Elaeodendron. Bothalia 26: 41, 42.

Archer, R. H. & A. E. van Wyk.1996. Generic delimitation of subfamily Cassinoideae (Celastraceae) in Africa, pp. 459-463 in L. J. G. van der Maesen, X. M. van der Burgt & J. M. Medednagh de Rooy (eds.), The biodiversity of African plants. Kluwer Academic Publsihers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Archer, R. H. & A. E. van Wyk. 1998. A taxonomic revision of Elaeodendron Jacq.(Cassinoideae: Celastraceae) in Africa. S. Afr. J. Bot. 64: 93-109. [Cassine s.l. is now Cassine, Elaeodendron & Mystroxylon].

Arriagada, J. E. 1998. The genera of Inuleae (Compositae; Asteraceae) in the southeastern United States. Harvard Pap. Bot. 3: 1-48.

Austin, D. F. & R. Simao Bianchini. 1998. Additions and corrections in American Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae). Taxon 47: 833-838.

Aymard, G. 1998. Canavalia rosei vs. Canavalia martima. Ernestia II, 8: 19-25.

Bach, C. E. 1998. Seedling survivorship of the beach morning glory Ipomoea pes-caprae (Convolvulaceae). Australian J. Bot. 46: 123-133. [Study site in Australia].

Barneby, R. C. 1998. Silk tree, guanacaste, monkey's earring: a genrric system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas. Part. III. Calliandra. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74(3): 1-223.

Baroni, T. J. & D. J. Lodge. 1998. Alboleptonia from the Greater Antilles. Mycologia 90: 680-696.

Barrerto Valdés, A. 1997. El género Indigofera (Fabaceae, Faboideae). Fontqueria 48: 187-193.

Barreto Valdés, A. & A. Beyra Matos. 1997. Acerca de Caesalpinia pinnata (Griseb.) C. Wr. (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae) y especies afines. Fontqueria 48: 179-185. [Caesalpinia oblongifolia, C. pinnata & S. savannarum.]

Barrow, S. C. 1998. A monograph of Phoenix L. (Palmae: Coryphoideae). Kew Bull. 53: 513-575.

Bartholott, W., C. Niehuis, D. Cutler, F. Ditsch, J. Meusel, I. Theisen & H. Wilhemi. 1998. Classification and terminology of plant epicuticular waxes. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 126: 237-260.

Bayer, C. 1998. Synflorescences of Malvaceae. Nord. J. Bot. 18: 335-338.

Bayman, P., P. Angulo-Sandoval, Z. Báez-Ortiz & D. J. Lodge. 1998. Distribution and dispersal of Xylaria endophytes in two tree species in Puerto Rico. Mycol. Res. 102: 944-948.

Bittrich, V. & P. F. Stevens. 1998. Lectotypification of the names Clusia major and C. minor (Clusiaeae). Taxon 47: 117-122.

Braun, P. & B. Braun. 1995. Erinneringen an die Granadinen: Melocactus broadwayi auf Mayreu, Kakt. andere Sukkl. 46(9): 211-214.

Braun, P. & B. Braun. 1998. "Melos" auf der Perle de Karabik: Ein neuer Fundort von Melocactus intortus auf St. Lucia. Kakt. andere Sukkl. 49(11): 241-245.

Breckon, G. J., D. A. Kolterman, V. Santiago-Vélez & F. López-Arroyo. 1998. Flora of Monito Islando, Puerto Rico: obervations and new records. Carib. J. Sci. 34: 132-136.

Breckon, G. J., V. Santiago-Vélez & D. A. Kolterman. 1998. New plants records for Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Carib. J. Bot. 34: 136, 137.

Brokaw, N. V. L. 1998. Cecropia schreberiana in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. Bot. Rev. 64: 91-120.

Brown, B. 1998. Rubus rosifolius 'Coronarius'. Curtis's Bot. Mag 15: 115-119.

Burghardt, A. D. & R. A. Palacios. 1997. Electrophoretic characteriation of the American sections of Prosopis L. (Leguminosae: Mimosideae). Bull. Internat. Group Study Mimosoideae 20: 71-83.

Cámara-Hernández, J. & S. Gambino. 1997 [1998?]. Morphology, origin and evolution of the synflorescence of Coix lachryma-jobi L. (Poaceae). Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 70: 53-78.

Cameron, K. M. & M. W. Chase. 1998. Seed morphology of vanilloid orchids (Vanilloideae: Orchidaceae). Lindleyana 13: 148-169.

Cameron, K. M. & W. C. Dickison. 1998. Foliar architecture of vanilloid orchids: insights into the evolution of reticulate leaf venation in monocotyledons. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 128: 45-70.

Carlquist, S. & E. L. Schneider. 1998. Origin and nature of vessels in monocotyledons. 5. Araceae subfamily Colocasioideae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 128: 71-86.

Castañeda Ruiz, R. F., D. García & J. Guarro. 1998. Arthrowallemia, a new genus of hyphomycetes from tropical litter. Mycol. Res. 102: 16-18.[Cuba]

Castañeda Ruiz, R. F., J. Guarro & E. Mayayo. 1998. Enridescalsia, a new genus of conidial fungi from submerged leaves in Cuba. Mycol. Res. 102: 42-44.

Castañeda, Ruíz, R. F., B. Kendrick, J. Guarro & J. Gene. 1998. A new species of Hemibeltrania from Cuba. Mycol. Res. 102: 930-932.

Castañeda Ruiz, R. F., B. Kendrick, J. Guarro & E. Mayayo. 1998. New species of Dictyochaeta and Helicoma from rain forests in Cuba. Mycol. Res. 102: 58-62.

Chang, F.-r., Y.-c. Chao, C.-m. Teng & Y.-c. Chang Wu. 1998. Chemical constituents from Cassytha filiformis II. J. Nat. Prod. 61: 863-866.

Chaudry, L. B. & M. Sanjappa. 1998. Parochetinae: a new subtribe of Trifolieae (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae). Taxon 48: 829-831. [Includes a key to subtribes of Trifolieae.].

Chávez, P. I., L. A. Sánxhez, F. A. González, J. L. Rodríguez & F. Axelrod. 1997. Cytotoxicity correlations of Puerto Rican plants using a simplified brine shrimp lethality screening procedure. Internat. J. Pharmacognosy 35: 222-226.

Child, A. 1998. Studies in Solanum and related genera (6). New infrageneric taxa for the genus Solanum L. (Solanaceae). Feddes Repert. 109: 407-427.

Choi, B.-h. & H. Ohashoi. 1998. Proposal to conserve the name Hedysarum (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) with a conserved type. Taxon 47: 877, 878.

Collevatti R. G., M. E. C. Amaral & F. S. Lopes. 1997 [1998?]. Role of pollinators in seed set and a test for pollen limitation hypothesis in the tropical weed Triumfetta semitriloba (Tiliaceae). Rev. Biol. Trop. 45: 1401-1407. [Brazilian plants].

Comas González, A. & L. Krienitz. 1997. Taxonomical observations on some coccal green algae exsiccatae (Chlorococcales, Chlorophyceae). Algol. Stud. 84: 13-38.

Conti, E., A. Litt, P. G. Wilson, S. A. Graham, B. G. Briggs, L. A. S. Johnson & K. J. Sytsma. 1997. Interfamilial relationships in Myrtales: Molecular phylogeny and patterns of morphological evolution. Syst. Bot. 22: 629-647.

Craft, P. 1998. In search of Thrinax ekmaniana. Principes 42: 156-159. [Cuba].

Das, A. B., S. Mohanty & P. Das. 1998. Interspecific variation in nuclear DNA content and chromosome analysis in Melocactus. Cytologia 63: 239-247.

Das, A. B., S. Mohanty & P. Das. 1998. Variation in karyotype and cDNA content in six species of Melocactus of the family Cactaceae. Cytologia 63: 9-16.

de Laubenfels, D. J. & F. Adema. 1998. A taxonomic revision of the genera Cycas and Epicycas gen. nov. (Cycadaceae). Blumea 43: 351-400.

Díaz Dumas, M. A. 1997 [1998?]. Análisis fenológico de las especies del género antillano Broughtonia R. Brown (Orchidaceae). Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana] 17-18: 85, 86.

Díaz Dumas, M. A. 1997 [1998?]. Revisión de los géneros antillanos Broughtonia R. Brown, Cattleyopsis Lemaire y Laeliopsis Lindley (Orchidaceae). Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana]17-18: 9-16

Downie, S. R., S. Ramanath, D. S. Katz-Downie & E. Llanas. 1998. Molecular systematics of Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae: Phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer and plastid rpoC1 intron sequences. Amer. J. Bot. 85: 563-591.

Drew, A. P. 1998. Growth rings, phenology, hurricane disturbance and climate in Cyrilla racemiflora L., a rainforest tree of the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. Biotropica 30: 35-49.

Eggers, J., J.-P. Frahm & R. A. Pursell. 1998. New bryological taxon records for tropical countries II. Trop. Bryologist 14: 81-84. [Dominica, Martinique.]

Esqueda-Valle, M. E. Pérez-Silva, T. Herrera, A. Altés & G. Moreno. 1998. Tulostoma portoricense (Tulosomatales, Gasteromycetes) from Mexico. Mycotaxon 68: 499-503. [Originally described from Puerto Rico].

Esser, H.-J., P. van Welzen & T. Djarwaningsih. 1997. A phylogenetic classification of the Malesian Hippomaneae (Euphorbiaceae). Syst. Bot. 22: 617-628. [Common genera in Caribbean: Sapium, Sebestiana, Stillingia, Gymnanthes.]

Etter, J. & M. Kristen. 1997. Agaven und Melocactus intortus auf den kleinen Antillen. Kakt. andere Sukkl. 48(5): 97-101.

Ferro Díaz, J., R. Novo Carbó, A. Urquiola Cruz, E. Vega Hernández, J. Armenteros Ferro & M. L. López. 1995 [1998?]. Notas acerca de la orquídeas de la península de Guanahacabibes, Pinar del Río. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac.[La Habana, Cuba] 16: 49-52.

Förther, H. 1998. Die infragenerische Gliederung der Gattung Heliotropium L. und ihre Stellung innerhalb der subf. Heliotropioideae (Schrad.) Arn. (Boraginaceae). Sendtnera 5: 35-241.

France, R. 1998. Estimating the assimilation of mangrove detritus by fiddler crabs in Laguna Joyuda, Puerto Rico, using stable isotopes. J. Trop. Ecol. 14: 413-425.

Frangi,J. L. & A. E. Lugo. 1998. A flood plain palm forest in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico five years after Hurricane Hugo. Biotropica 30: 339-348.

Fuentes Fiallo, V. R. & A. Expósito Montoya. 1995 [1998?]. Las encuestas etnobotánicas sobre plantas medicinales en Cuba. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. 16: 74-145.

Gallardo, M. T., B. B. Martin & D. F. Martin. 1998. An annotated bibliography of allelopathic properties of cattails, Typha spp. Florida Scientist 61: 52-58.

García, R. & M. Mejía. 1998. Tecnicos del JBN descubren palma de Puerto Rico en el Parque Nacional del Este. Bol. Jard. Bot. Nac. [Santo Domingo, República Dominicana] 7(4): 6, 7. [Gaussia attenuata (Arecaceae), newly reported for the Dominican Republic.].

Gómez Acosta, H. D. 1995 [1998?]. El género Micropeltis Montagne (Micropeltaceae, Ascopycotina) en las Antillas Mayores. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 29-46.

Gómez Acosta, H. D. 1995 [1998?]. Schizothyrium scutelliforme (Rehm) Arx, primer reporte de la familia Schizothyriaceae Höhnel (Ascomycotina) para Cuba. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 47, 48.

Gómez Acosta, H. D. 1997 [1998?]. Una nueva especies del género Cyandosicus E, Müller et Farr: Cyanodiscus glabrescens H. D. Gómez (Saccardiaceae, Ascomycotina). Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 17-18: 135-136.

Gómez Acosta, H. D. 1997 [1998?]. Primer reporte del género Plochmopeltis Theiss. (Schizothyriaceae, Ascomycotima) para Cuba. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 17-18: 137-138.

Gómez Acosta, H. D., M. Camino Vilaró, M. Rodríguez Hernández & G. Recio Herrera. 1995 [1998?]. El herbario micológico del Jardín Botánico Nacional de Cuba. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 147-152.

Gordon, D. R. & T. L. Kubisiak. 1998. RAPD analysis of the last poplulation of a likely Florida Keys endemic cactus. Florida Scientists 61: 203-210. [Opuntia spinosissima of the Florida Keys should be Opuntia corallicola.].

Graham, S. A., R. F. Thorne & J. L. Reveal. 1998. Validation of subfamily names in Lythraceae. Taxon 47: 435, 436.

Grant, V. 1997 [1998]. Nomenclature of subfamilies and tribes in the Polemoniaceae. Phytologia 83: 385-389.

Green, P. S. 1997. A revision of the pinnate-leaved species of Jasminum. Studies in the genus Jasminum (Oleaseae): XV. Kew Bull. 52: 933-947.

Grossman, L. 1998. Diet, income, and agriculture in an eastern Caribbean village. Human Ecol. 26: 21-42. [Island St. Vincent].

Harriman, N. A. 1998. Proposal to conserve the name Bidens (Asteraceae) with a conserved gender. Taxon 47: 485, 486.

Hartman, H. E. K. 1998. Clés d'identification des genres de Mésembryanthémacées. Succulentes [France] Numéro Spécial 1998: 14-44.

Hedenäs, L. 1997. An evaluation of phylogenetic relationships among the Thuidiaceae, the Amblystegiaceae and the temperate members of the Hypnaceae. Lindbergia 22: 101-133.

Heo, K., H. van der Werff & H. Tobe. 1998. Embryology and relationships of Lauraceae (Laurales). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 126: 295-322.

Hong, S.-p., L. P. Ronse Decraene & E. Smets. 1998. Systematic significance of tepal surface morphology in tribes Persicarieae and Polygoneae (Polygonaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 127: 91-116.

Howard, R. A. 1998. The St. Vincent Botanic Garden - The early years. Arnoldia 57(4): 12-20.

Hsiao, C., S. W. L. Jacobs, N. P. Barker & N. J. Chatterton. 1998. A molecular phylogeny of the subfamily Arundinoideae (Poaceae) based on sequenced of rDNA. Austral. Syst. Bot. 11: 41-52.

Jarvis, C. & N. J. Turland. 1998. Typification of Linnaean specific and varietal names in the Compositae (Asteraceae). Taxon 47: 347-370.

Kaur, H. 1997. Morphology and spermoderm pattern in some species of Albizzia Durazz. (MimosoideaeâLeguminosae). Phytomorphology 47: 195-201.

Keller, R. 1996. Identificación de las tribus de Leguminoas leñosas en América tropical mediante el uso de caracteres vegetativos: puesta de una clave de campo. Acta Bot. Venez. 19(2): 1-24. [Mostly of South American interest.]

Köhler, E. 1998. Weitere neue Buxus-Arten der Flora von Cuba. Fedds Repert. 109: 351-363.

Knapp, S., V. Persson & S. Blackmore. 1998. Pollen morphology and fuctional dioecy in Solanum (Solanaceae). Pl. Evol. Syst. 210: 113-139.

Kokubugata, G. & K. Kondo. 1998. Comparative karyotype analysis of Ceratozamia mexicana and Microcycas calcoma (Zamiaceae) using fluoroscence banding (CMA/DAP1) and fluoroscence in situ hybridization of ribosomal DNA. Pl. Syst. Evol. 210: 41-50.

Kyburz, R. 1998. Hyophorbe amaricaulis in Cuba. Principes 43: 9, 10. [Arecaceae.]

Lack, H. W. 1998. Jacquin's 'Selectarum stirpium Americanarum historia:' the extravagant second edition and its title pages. Curtis's Bot. Mag. 15: 194-214.

Leiva Sánchez, A. T. 1995 [1998?]. Creación y exposición de la vegetación nativa de Cuba en el Jardín Botánico Nacional y su contribución a la conservacián de plantas raras y amenazadas. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 175-183.

Leiva Sánchez, A. T. 1995 [1998?]. Historia y evolución de los jardines botínicos en el Caribe insular. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 169-174.

López, L. 1997. SISBAGER: Nuevo sistema de documentación computerizado para los recursos fitogenéticos de Cuba, Pl. Genet. Resources Newsl. 112: 64-67.

Luer, C. A. 1998. New species of orchids from Cuba. Lindleyana 13: 138-147. [Lepanthes 6 spp., Pleurothallis, 1 sp.].

Marchioretto, M. S. & J. C. de Siqueira. 1998. O gênero Microtea Sw. (Phytolaccaceae) no Brasil. Pesquisas, Bot. 48: 5-51.

Martínez Betancourt, J. I. C. Corral Barrero & J. Poltronieri. 1995 [1998?]. La flora cubana y los instrumentos de la música popular tradicional. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 73-76.

Martínez Quesada, E. 1997 [1998?]. Taxonomic significance of foliar dermotypes and floral trichomes in some Cuban taxa of Indigofera L. (Fabaceae-Faboideae). Polibotánica 6: 1-18.

Maslin, B. R. & C. H. Stirton. 1997. Generic and infrageneric classification in Acacia (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae): A list of critical species on which to build a comparative data set. Bull. Intern. Group Study Mimosoideae 20: 22-44.

Mauseth, J. D. & B. J. Plemons-Rodríguez. 1998. Evolution of extreme xeromorphic characters in wood: A study of nine evolutionary lines in Cactaceae. Amer. J. Bot. 85: 209-218.

Mauseth, J. D., T. terrazas & S. Loza-Cornejo. 1998. Anatomy of relictual members of subfamily Cactoideae, IOS Group 1a (Cactaceae). Bradleya 16: 31-43. [Dendrocereus, Harrissiam Leptocereus in W.I.].

McDowell, W. H. 1998. Internal nutrient fluxes in a Puerto Rican rain forest. J. Trop. Ecol. 14: 521-536.

Meagher, W. L. 1997 [1998]. Caribbean coastal and hillside vegetation of St. Kitts, West Indies. Phytologia 82: 333-369.

Méndez Santos, I. E. & A. Urquiola Cruz, 1998. Nueva localidad para Nashia myritifolia (Griseb.) Mold. (Verbenaceae) luego de casi 150 años sin colectarse. Carib. J. Sci. 34: 137. [Cuba].

Mercado-Sierra, A., M. J. Figueras & J. Gené. 1997. New or rare hyphomycetes from Cuba VIII. Species of Lylea, Phaeoisaria, Arxiella, Graphium, Periconia and Ramichloridium. Mycotaxon 63: 369-375.

Mercado-Sierra, A., G. Gónzalez Fraginals, J. Mena Portales & K. Rodríguez Morejón. 1997. Las palmas y su relación como sustratos de hongos microscópicos (hifomicetos) en Cuba. Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 22: 33-44.

Mercado Sierra, A., V. Holubová-Jechová & J. Mena Portales. 1997. Hifomicetes dermaciáceos de Cuba: Enteroblásticos. Mus. Regionale Sci. Nat. Torino Monogr. 23: 1-388 + map in pocket.

Miao, S. L., L. Kong, B. Lorenzen & R. R. Johnson. 1998. Versatile modes of propagation in Cladium jamaicense in the Florida Everglades. Ann. Bot. 82: 285-290.

Moreno Gutíerrez, V. 1995 [1998?]. Establecimiento de Ziziphus havanensis y Verbesina angulata en collecciones de campo de Jardín Botánico National siguiendo formas no tradicionales. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 59-63.

Moreno Gutíerrez, V. 1995 [1998?]. Primeras experiencias sobre manejo de Brosimum alicastrum Sw. (guáimaro) en el Jardín Botánico Nacional. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 65-67.

Morton, C. M., G. T. Prance, S. A. Mori & L. G. Thorburn. 1998. Recircumscription of the Lecythidaceae. Taxon 47: 817-827.

Muñoz, J. 1998. Materials toward a revision of Grimmia (Musci: Grimmiaceae): Nomenclature and taxonomy of Grimmia longirostris. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 85: 352-363.

Murren, C. J. & A. M. Ellison. 1998. Seed dispersal characteristics of Brassavola nodosa (Orchidaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 86: 675-680. {Plants from Belize].

Nandi, O. I. 1998. Ovule and seed anatomy of Cistaceae and related Malvanae. Pl. Syst. Evol. 209: 239-264.

Nelson, Navarro, J. 1997. Check-list of marine diatoms from the Caribbean Sea. Listados Floristicos de México 15: 1-48. [Listed in Koeltz Cat. 811: 68, 1998.]

Nir, M. A. 1997. The genera Dilomilis Raf. and Tomzanonia, gen. nov. Lindleyana 12: 180-187.

Nir, M. A. 1998. Erratum. Lindleyana 13: 134. [Erratum to his article in Lindleyana 12: 180-187, new cladogram].

Noa Monzón, A. 1995 [1998?]. Ecología y distribución de las Thymelaeaceae en Cuba. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 17-28.

Noa Monzón, A. 1995 [1998?]. Morfología floral de las Thymelaeaceae vista a través de las especies cubanas. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 9-15.

Ollerton, J. 1997 [1998?]. Pollination systems in the Ascepiadaceae: a survey and preliminary analysis. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 62: 593-610.

Paclt, I. 1998. Proposal to amend the gender of Nuphar, nom. cons. (Nymphaeaceae), to neuter. Taxon 47: 167-169.

Pascarella, J. B. 1998. Resiliency and response to hurricane disturbance in a tropical shrub, Ardisia escallonioides (Myrsinaceae), in southern Florida. Amer. J. Bot. 85: 1207-1215.

Patil, S. G., S. P. Karkamkar & B. K. Honrao. 1997. Phyto-chemical studies in the genus Leea L. (Vitaceae) and their significance in taxonomy. J. Ind.. Bot. Soc. 76: 81-85.

Plever, H. 1998. Tillandsia capitata. J. Bromel. Soc. 48: 161-164. [Includes color photos of cultivars].

Puff, C. & R. Buchner. 1998. Development and structure of the comose seeds of Hillia (Rubiaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 210: 147-157.

Puff, C. J. Greimler, & R. Buchner. 1998. Revision of Schradera (Rubiaceae-Schradereae) in Malesia. Blumea 43: 287-335. [Generic description. Species of Lucinaea from Asia now included in Schradera.]

Reyes-Colón, C. M. & I. Sastre-D.J. 1998. Bryophytes of Mona Island Natural Reserve, Puerto Rico. Trop. Bryologist 14: 35-41.

Ridsdale, C. E. 1974. A revision of the family Leeaceae. Blumea 22: 57-100.

Rivera, L. W. & T. M. Aide. 1998. Forest recovery in the karst region of Puerto Rico. Forest Ecol. Managem. 108(1-2): 63-75.

Rivero Guerra, A. O. 1995 [1998?]. Diseño científico del Jardín Botánico de Villa Clara. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 153-160.

Rivero Guerra, A. O. 1995 [1998?]. La flora y vegetación de Villa Clara en el Jardín Botánico Provincial. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 169-174.

Rogers, G. 1998. The history and classification of the Farley Fern, Adiantum tenerum tenerum âFarlyense.â Amer. Fern J. 88: 32-46. [The taxon is a cultivar and not a species, originally from Barbados].

Ruddall, P. J., M. W. Chase, D. F. Cutler, J. Rusby & A. Y. de Bruijn. 1998. Anatomical and molecular systematics of Asteliaceae and Hypoxidaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 127: 1-42.

Schrire, B. D. & J. R. Sims. 1997. A pre-evaluation of pollen morphology and taxonomy in the tribe Indigofereae (LeguminosaeâPapilionoideae). Kew Bull. 52: 841-878.

Schlueter, M. A. & S. I. Guttman. 1998. Gene flow and genetic diversity of turtle grass Thalassia testudinum Banks ex König in the lower Florida Keys. Aquat Bot. 61: 147-164.

Scott, R. C. & D. L. Smith. 1998. Cotyledon architecture and anatomy in the Acacieae (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 128: 15-44.

Senghas, K. 1998. Die Orchideen Subtribus Onciciinae: Vervandtschaft Oncidium, Odontoglossum, Miltonia, Cyrtochilum, Brassia, u.a. In: R. Schlechter (ed.), Die Orchideen, Band I/C, 3., völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage: 2057-2308. Parey Buchverlag: Berlin.

Seubert, E. 1998. Root anatomy of plams IV. Arecoideae, part 1, general remarks and descriptions on the roots. Feddes Repert. 109: 89-127. [Arecaceae.].

Shamrov, I. I. 1998. Ovule classification in flowering plantsânew approaches and concepts. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 120: 377-407.

Smith, J. F. & C. L. Carroll. 1997. A cladistic analysis of the tribe Episcieae (Gesnericaceae) based on ndhF sequences: Origin of morphological characters. Syst. Bot. 22: 713-724.

Spatz, H.-C., L. Köhler & T. Speck. 1998. Biomechanics and functional anatomy of hollow-stemmed sphenopsids. I. Equisteum giganteum (Equisetaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 85: 305-314.

Spooner, B. M., D. J. Lodge & I. Laessor. 1998. A new Sorokina (Leotiales) from Puerto Rico. Kew Bull. 53: 237-241.

Stace, C. A. 1998. Sectional names in the genus Hieracium (Asteraceae) sensu stricto.Edinb. J. Bot. 55: 417-444.

Stenberg, M. L. & M. E. Kane. 1998. In vitro seed germination and greenhouse cultivation of Encyclia boothiana var. erythronioides, an endangered Florida orchid. Lindleyana 13: 101, 102. [Var. boothiana is in the W.I.].

Stephenson, R. 1998. Crassulaceae update. Brit. Cact. Succ. J. 16(1): 51-55.

Strong, M. T. & P. Goetghebeur. 1998. Two proposals to conserve names in Bulbostylis (Cyperaceae). Taxon 47: 155, 156.

Svoma, E. 1998. Seed morphology and anatomy in some Annonaceae. Pl. Syst. Evol. 209: 177-204.

Tremblay, R. L. 1997. Distribution and dispersal patterns of Lepanthes (Orchidaceae). Biotropica 29: 38-45.

Tremblay, R. L. 1997. Lepanthes caritensis, an endemic orchid: No sex, no future? Selbyana 18: 160-166. [Puerto Rico.]

Tremblay, R. L., J. . Zimerman, L. Lebrón, P. Bayman, I. Sastré, F. Axelrod & J. Alers-García. 1998. Host specificity and low reproductive success in the rare endemic Puerto Rican orchid Lepanthes caritensis. Biol. Conserv. 85: 297-304.

Tybirk, K. 1997. Reproductive biology and evolution of the genus Acacia. Bull. Intern. Group Study Mimosoideae 20: 45-53.

Urquiola Cruz, A. J. & R. Kral. 1997. La familia Xyridaceae en Cuba. Fontqueria 48: 163-178. [Xyris.]

Urquiola Cruz, A. J., E. Vega Hernández, R. Novo Cabó & M. L. López. 1998. Las Najadaceae en Cuba. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 56: 85-93.

Vales García, M. A. & A. Crawford Alexander. 1997. Anatomía de maderas cubanas. V. Fontqueria 48: 91-146.

Van der Cingel, N. 1998. Cuba, land vol verrassingen. Orchideeën 1998(2): 24, 25.

Vázquez-Yanes, C. 1998. Trema micrantha (L.) Blume (Ulmaceae): a promising neotropical tree for site amelioration of deforested land. Agrofor. Syst. 40: 97-104.

Vega Hernández, E., R. Caudales Cepero & A. Urquiola Cruz. 1998. La familia Alismataceae en Cuba. Fontqueria 51: 5-16.

Vegetti, A. C. & A. M. Antón. 1998. Estructura del disemínulo en especies de Andropogoneae (Poaceae). Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 56: 95-106.

Vilardebo, A. (translator). 1998. Une nouvelle espècie de Melocactus (Cactaceae) pou l'île Hispaniola (République Dominicaine): Melocactus pedernalensis M. Mejía et R. García, sp. nov. Succulentes (France) 21(3): 15-18. [Translation of M. Mejía & R., García , 1997, Moscosoa 9: 12-17].

Vyas, M. B. & K. C. Sharma. 1998. Spermoderm patterns in some Mimosaceae. 109: 67-72. Feddes Repert. 109: 67-72.

Wagstaff, S. J., L. Hickson, R. Spangler, P. A. Reeves & R. G. Olmsted. 1998. Phylogeny in Labiate s.l. inferred from cpDNA sequences. Pl. Syst. Evol. 209: 265-274.

Wang, J. & M. B. Cruzan. 1998. Interspecific mating in the Piriqueta carolinaina (Turneraceae) complex: effects of pollen load size and composition. Amer. J. Bot. 85: 1172-1179.

Ward, D. B. 1998. Pueraria montana: The correct scientific name of the kudzu. Castanea 63: 76, 77. [Pueraria lobata.]

Wenping, Wu., B. C. Sutton & A. C. Gange. 1998. Pseudophragmotrichum cubense gen. et sp. nov. on culms of Oncidium lucidum from Cuba. Mycol. Res. 102: 179-183.

Whitehouse, C. 1998. Proposal to conserve the name Boerhavia diffusa (Nyctaginaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 47: 873, 874.

Wiegrefer, S. J., K. J. Sytsma & R. P. Guries. 1998. The Ulmaceae, one family or two? Evidence from chloroplast DNA restriction site mapping. Pl. Syst. Evol. 210: 249-270. [Use Ulmaceae & Celtidaceae].

Wright, J. E. 1987. The genus Tulostoma (Gasteromycetes): a world monograph. J. Cramer: Berlin-Stuttgart.

Zavaro Pérez, C. A., P. Carcelén, G. Pabón & G. de los A. Allmagro. 1995 [1998?]. El género Fimbristylis Vahl s.s. en Cuba. Un enfoque feneticista. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. [La Habana, Cuba] 16: 3-8.

Zavaro Pérez, C. A. & G. Pabón Garcés. 1997. El género Eleochris R. Brown en Cuba. Fontqueria 48: 35-69.

Zhang, X.-C. & H. P. Nooteboom. 1998. A taxonomic revision of Plagiogyriaceae (Pteridophyta). Blumea 43: 401-469.


We thank Walter L. Meagher for a donation toward the cost of publication of this number
of the Flora of the Greater Antilles Newsletter

Flora of the Greater Antilles Newsletter is published by Institute of Systematic Botany of The New York Botanical Garden. Edited by Thomas A. Zanoni (tzanoni@nybg.org) and William R. Buck (bbuck@nybg.org).

© The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458-5126, U.S.A.
ISSN 1090-4344