Gaultheria lanigera.  A-B, var. lanigera.  A: habit showing strongly concave leaves and dense indumentum.  B: portions of leaf surfaces showing incurved margins and dense indumentum.  C-D, var. rufolanata.  C: leaves on stem showing strongly ascending and longitudinally incurved habit and pustular bumps on upper surface.  E-H, var. lanigera.  E: corolla showing shape and indumentum.  F: flower with corolla and stamens removed.  G: crisped trichomes fom flowers.  H: stamens showing ventral and lateral views (A-B from Luteyn & Cotton 11247;   C-D from Díaz 3402;  E-H from Luteyn & Cotton 11225).  Reproduced from Flora Neotropica Monographs 66: 432, fig. 15.  1995.