Botanical Review Order Form
The Botanical Review
The Botanical Review Editor: Dennis Wm. Stevenson, The New York Botanical Garden For over half a century, The Botanical Review has been a leading international journal noted for its in-depth articles on a broad spectrum of botanical fields. Systematics, phytogeography, cladistics, evolution, physiology, ecology, morphology, paleobotany, and anatomy are but a few of the many subjects that have been covered. The Botanical Review draws together outstanding scientists in the field, synthesizes the current knowledge about a specific subject, and promotes the advancement of botany by indicating the gaps in our knowledge and providing new outlooks on the topic. ISSN 0006c8101 Quarterly. Published since 1935 All subscriptions run for a calendar year (January - December). All 1997 back issues will be mailed to you when your payment is received. 1997 Subscription Rates: United States: $82.00; Foreign: $89.00 Back issues are available for $14.00. PAYMENT: ____ Check enclosed (Please make checks payable to The New York Botanical Garden.) ____ MasterCard ____ Visa Card No. ____________ Expiration Date _____________ Signature__________________________________________________ SHIP TO: Name ______________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ City ____________________ State __________ Zip ____________ Country ___________________________________________________ Send Orders to: The New York Botanical Garden Scientific Publications Department Bronx, New York 10458-5126 U.S.A. Phone: 718-817-8575 Fax: 718-817-8842 E-mail:
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