Certificate Program Policies and FAQs
The Director and Program Coordinators formulate policy regarding standards of student performance, including awarding Certificates, rules of conduct, and student appeals. Please contact NYBG Continuing Education with any questions or concerns at continuinged@nybg.org.
Academic Policies & Procedures
In order to register for courses with prerequisites, students must have received a passing grade in the prerequisite course(s).
Student progress is measured by grades.
Students must maintain a cumulative weighted average of 70% on a 100% scale, and must pass all courses with a minimum grade of 60%. All students are required to complete a minimum of 90% of their cumulative registered clock hours. Students who do not meet the 90% cumulative completion percentage will be placed on probation. Courses for which a student receives a letter grade of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, and P (passing) are included in the calculation of cumulative clock hour completion percentage as courses successfully completed.
Courses for which a student receives a letter grade of INC and F will be treated as courses attempted, but not successfully completed. Students are required to meet these minimum standards at each point of their program evaluation. A student must repeat a course and earn a passing grade in order to fulfill the Certificate requirements; additional course materials will be charged at cost.
All coursework (final exams, papers, projects) must be completed on time unless the instructor grants additional time for extenuating circumstances.
A student may qualify for course exemption by completing college courses taken for degree credit from an accredited college or university, evaluated non-collegiate sponsored instruction, or proficiency exams.
Students who wish to be granted exemption from a required course must:
- Complete the Course Exemption Request Form
- Present transcripts showing an earned grade of C or higher
- Present the course outline, syllabus,and/or relevant supporting documentation.
The School will then evaluate these submissions and make a decision on course exemption. If a student is exempted from the course, s/he is required to take an equal number of hours of an approved elective course to complete the Certificate.
On-time attendance is required at all classes. Unexcused tardiness and absences are not accepted and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
A student who is absent from a class without adequate reason may be assigned a failing grade. Absences due to serious illness or death within a student’s family are recognized as excused absences. To validate such absences, the student should present evidence to the Director, who will then provide a letter of verification to all of the student’s instructors for the term.
Makeup quizzes and exams must be requested by the student and will be scheduled at the instructor’s discretion. Deficiency in any required work resulting from absence from class must be made up at the student’s own expense to satisfy the instructor.
Students have 8 weeks following the last day of class to pick up any work left by instructors at the Registration Office. After that time, unclaimed assignments will be discarded.
- Certificate requirements are those stated in the catalog from which the student first registered for a Certificate course.
- To qualify for a Certificate, students must receive passing grades in all required courses.
- A student has six (6) years from the start of their first required course, to complete a Certificate.
The annual Certificate Award Ceremony is held the first weekend in June. If you expect to complete your Certificate requirements or enroll in all remaining classes by June, you must complete and submit an application for graduation which will be available in March.
Call NYBG Continuing Education at 718.817.8720 or email graduation@nybg.org with any questions.
Official ($15 each) and Unofficial transcripts (free) are available from the Registration Office year-round. Official transcripts must be requested in writing, including the name and address of the institution to which the transcript is being mailed. Transcripts are mailed within two (2) weeks and a copy is sent to the student.
The School of Horticulture and Landscape Design—which includes Horticulture and Landscape Design—is licensed with the New York State Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision (BPSS), a division of the New York State Department of Education. Licensure under the state recognizes the Certificate Programs in Horticulture and Landscape Design as high quality and career oriented.
Students of Licensed Private Schools in the State of New York have the right to file a complaint with the New York State Education Department if they believe that the School or anyone representing the School has acted unlawfully. Students may make complaints about the conduct of the school, advertising, standards and methods of instruction, equipment, facilities, qualifications of teaching and management personnel, enrollment agreement, methods of collecting tuition, School license or registration, School and student records, private School agents, and other charges.
To file a complaint, students should write to the New York State Education Department’s Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision at 116 West 32nd Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10001, or call the Department at 212.643.4760, requesting an interview for the purpose of filing a written complaint. All relevant documents must be brought to the interview. If you cannot attend an interview, send a letter or call the Bureau to request a complaint form. You must complete and sign the form and mail it to the Bureau, including copies of all relevant documents. The Bureau cannot investigate any complaint made more than 2 years after the date of alleged occurrence.
For more information about The School of Horticulture and Landscape Design,
visit this page. -
Content of courses and opinions expressed by instructors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of The New York Botanical Garden. The information provided does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice. No representation is made that any information provided constitutes the most up-to-date legal or other information.
Certificate Program FAQs
A Certificate signifies that a student has successfully fulfilled all the requirements of a prescribed series of courses. Several Certificates offer students a choice among areas of concentration.
The Garden offers Certificates in Botanical Art and Illustration, Floral Design, Horticulture, Botany, Gardening, Therapeutic Horticulture, and Landscape Design. Certificates are awarded each spring and have been used by many recipients to investigate plant-related pursuits or to qualify for salary increases and/or increased responsibilities in their current positions.
Please note: You have six (6) years to complete a Certificate. The catalog from which you start your Certificate program contains the requirements you must fulfill for the completion of your Certificate. See each section for the Certificate requirements.
Students generally complete our certificate programs in 2 to 3 years. However, you are free to complete the requirements at your own pace and credits do not expire for a full six years, from the start date of your first Certificate class. Certificate requirements are based on the program of courses stated in the catalog from which you started. You can accelerate your Certificate program through Summer Intensives.
You may register for as many classes and Certificate Programs as you wish as long as you have completed the prerequisites, if any are required.
Yes! You may are welcome to register for any course that does not have a prerequisite, including those labeled “Certificate Requirement” or “Elective”. You may also register for classes that require a prerequisite, as long as you have completed the prerequisite(s) required. You do not have to be working toward a Certificate to register for Certificate-level courses.
In rare cases, students may qualify for exemptions based on:
- College courses from an accredited college or university
- Evaluated non-collegiate sponsored instruction
- or proficiency exams.
Note: if you are exempt from a course, you must make up the hours through elective classes.
The NYBG Continuing Education Department has relationships with multiple institutions and companies in the New York metro area that have accepted NYBG students as interns in the past. NYBG instructors are working professionals in their field and may also be able to assist with internship connections. Contact the registration office at 718.817.8720 for further assistance.