Inside The New York Botanical Garden

Morning Eye Candy: Rock Triptych

Posted in Photography on August 16 2011, by Ann Rafalko

Why is The New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx? When the city and state of New York agreed to allow a group of scientists, civic leaders, and financiers to create “a public botanic garden of the highest class” the group was given the choice of a few different parcels of land. The plot in the Bronx–part of which belonged to the vast Lorillard estate–was chosen for both its abundant natural beauty, and for its dramatic geology. It’s easy to overlook these magnificent rocks, which provide the “bones” to the Garden’s historic landscape, when you’re surrounded by so much verdant beauty; but you shouldn’t.

A Rock in the Forest Leaf Shadow Glacial Striations

Photos by Ivo M. Vermeulen