Inside The New York Botanical Garden

Delicate Longevity

Posted in Gardens and Collections on November 6 2013, by Matt Newman

Peggy Rockefeller Rose GardenWith the leaves on the trees peaking in a flurry of color, and the mums in the Home Gardening Center boasting their heartiest hues against dipping temperatures, autumn earns its reputation as a time for brief and fervent garden fireworks. But where most of the flowers and foliage drawing our attention are known as hardy hold-outs against the coming frost, it seldom pays to overlook the delicate beauty now closing out its season in the Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden.

The rose varieties in our collection, many of them bred for coddle-free survival in spite of the rose’s needy reputation, have put on a gripping show this year. So, to celebrate that longevity, I’ve put together a little gallery of the latest stars among the shrubs, some of the blooms bringing up the rear before the cold season sets in to close up shop until spring. It being hump day, I figured it couldn’t hurt to liven up your autumn afternoon with some reds and yellows in a different medium.

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Fall and winter provide their own vibrant forms of beauty, of course, so stay tuned in the coming weeks as we not only start up the Holiday Train Show® and all the seasonal activities that make it the cheeriest time of year, but celebrate the cold-weather wonders that grow throughout our collections. In the meantime, we’ll let you know when the Rose Garden closes its gate for 2013—this weather has been great for the blooms.


Barbara Reiner said:

this slideshow is gorgeous….thanks so much!