Inside The New York Botanical Garden

With School Vacation Comes a Chance to Explore

Posted in Around the Garden, Programs and Events on February 16 2012, by Matt Newman

Kid's ProgrammingSometimes it seems like no amount of scheduling can prepare you for a school vacation week. It so often ends up an unpredictable whirlwind of video games, laziness, messy rooms and puzzling out dinner plans. But you can save the remains of your patience! With the kids freed from class next week, The New York Botanical Garden has rearranged the calendar to make it easy for you to keep the little ones occupied–anything to get them off the couch and out of the house. We’ll be offering longer hours, ongoing children’s events every day of the week, and of course our Winter Science Camp to keep young minds sharp.

At the heart of every kid’s experience here at the NYBG is the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden. To ensure everyone gets a chance to explore, we’re setting aside its regular afternoon schedule and running events there from the moment the Garden’s gates open at 10 a.m., and on until closing. This gives kids the best opportunity to start their Adventures in Adaptations trek early! With field notebook in hand, kids will hunt through the lush tropical foliage of the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory, solving the riddle of Dr. Ed Apshon’s whereabouts as they discover exotic and fascinating plant life. The trail will ultimately lead them to the Discovery Center, where they can celebrate their successful expedition by potting a plant to take home for themselves.

With only five spots left, our science camp for eight- to ten-year-olds is also proving popular, making it a great idea to get your reservations in sooner rather than later. The course offers children a “behind the scenes” learning experience under the guidance of the NYBG’s world-renowned plant educators. Kids will investigate plants in the Herbarium unseen by the public, enjoy early-morning exploration in the Forest, and experience a curriculum you just won’t find in the local elementary school schedule. Where else can they try their hand at planting vegetables, creating paint from plants, or pressing their own specimens?

The ten-day weather forecast borders on perfect while the snow is keeping its distance, so for the upcoming vacation, skip the hassle of entertaining the kids yourself; it’s what we’re here for. And to prove how dedicated we are to your sanity, we’re even opening our doors on Monday. You have every opportunity to make the next week a cakewalk–take advantage!