Dr. Andrew Henderson
Dr. Andrew Henderson completed his Ph.D. in Botany through NYBG’s joint program with the CUNY Graduate Center in 1987.
After finishing his thesis, Andrew was hired as a Research Associate, and later as Curator in the Institute of Systematic Botany at NYBG. Andrew’s research takes place in two different hemispheres and employs two different methodologies. In New York, Andrew carries out detailed, multivariate statistical analysis of morphological and geographical data taken from herbarium specimens of neotropical Palmae, principally from Central America. In the Old World, Andrew carries out field-oriented research in connection with the preparation of various field guides to palms. Andrew’s recent work in Asia has focused on two major projects—a revision of the rattan genus Calamus (with over 400 species) and a project on the palms of Vietnam. Andrew Henderson formally retired in September 2020, but continues his palm research in the role of Curator Emeritus at NYBG.