All Research Projects
The New York Botanical Garden is one of the world’s preeminent free-standing plant research organizations. The Garden’s scientists conduct basic research in plant biology and study species of plants and fungi around the globe. Our scientists use sophisticated techniques such as molecular systematics, genomics research, and bioinformatics. Never before has the need been greater to integrate the use of our unparalleled resources—in the field, laboratory, library, and herbarium—to maximize the impact of our work and maintain our position at the forefront of worldwide botanical research.
All NYBG Research Projects:
1000 Plants Initiative
A Complete Web-based Monograph of the Tribe Miconieae (Melastomataceae)
A Revised Taxonomy of the Palm Genus Iguanura
A Systematic Monograph of Swartzia
A phylogenomics approach to resolving one of the world’s most diverse, tropical angiosperm radiations: Melastomataceae
American Crossroads: Digitizing the Vascular Flora of the South-Central United States
Belize Ethnobotany Project
Biodiversity Gradients in Obligate Symbiotic Organisms: A Case Study in Lichens in a Global Diversity Hotspot (NSF Dimensions)
Blue Zones of New York City
Bolete Mushrooms Surveys and Revisions
Brassica: Domestication, Weeds, and Evolution
Bringing Asia to Digital Life: Mobilizing Underrepresented Asian Herbarium Collections in the US to Propel Biodiversity Discovery
Bromeliad Life History, Nutrient Cycling, and Conservation Biology
Bryoflora of Cape Horn Archipelago
Building a Global Consortium of Bryophytes and Lichens: Keystones of Cryptobiotic Communities (GLOBAL)
CAM Photosynthesis, Life History and Nitrogen Cycling in the Diverse Neotropical Bromeliads
Climate Change & Climate Mitigation
Coastal Forest Plant Diversity in Northeastern Brazil
Collaborative Research: AVATOL – Next Generation Phenomics for the Tree of Life
Comparative Exploration of Plants and Local Knowledge in Portland Parish, Jamaica
Conservation Assessment of Intertidal Vascular Plants of the Hudson River Estuary
Conservation Assessments of Plants of the Americas
Conserving Threatened Leguminous Rain Forest Trees in the Middle Magdelena Valley of Colombia
Cultural Competency Training Program for Health Care Providers
DNA Barcoding of Dietary Supplements
Digitization and Enrichment of U.S. Herbarium Data from Tropical Africa to Enable Urgent Quantitative Conservation Assessments
Endless Forms: Digitizing the world’s most interesting plants
EvoNet: A Phylogenomic and Systems Biology Approach to Identify Genes Underlying Plant Survival in Marginal, Low-Nitrogen Soils
Evolution and Development in Lycophytes and Ferns
Evolution and Systematics of the Neotropical Clade of Schefflera (Araliaceae)
Evolution and development of fundamental reproductive structures: sporangia
Evolution of Functional Traits in the Melastomataceae
Expansion of The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium to Incorporate Newly Acquired Specimens and Improve Curation
Flora of Central Park
Floristic Exploration in Southeast Asia
Floristic Inventory of a Neglected Biodiversity Hotspot: Myanmar’s Northern Forest Complex
Floristic Inventory of the Tapajos National Forest and Amazonia National Park
Fruit Evolution and Development
Genomics of Comparative Seed Evolution
Improving Health Care for Underserved Immigrant Caribbean and Latino Communities in New York City
Incised Fumewort in Westchester County: Early Detection and Rapid Response
Index Herbariorum Upgrade: A Project to Improve Access to Information about the World’s Plant and Fungal Collections Assets
Invasion Biogeography
Leaf Architecture: Applications in Systematics and Forest Management
Legume Research at The New York Botanical Garden
Lichen Biodiversity of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
Living Fossils: Applying Advances in Single Molecule Sequencing to Decode Large and Complex Genomes of Ancient Plant Lineages
Macrofungi of Costa Rica
Mangrove Resilience and Restoration
Molecular-Based Plant Inventory of a Megadiverse Bahian Forest
Monographia: Open-source Software to Automate Revisionary Systematic Studies
Monographic and Phylogenetic Studies of Elaphoglossum (Dryopteridaceae)
New York City EcoFlora
North American Lichens and Bryophytes: Sensitive Indicators of Environmental Quality and Change
Nurturing Nature Through Plant-based Solutions for Long Term Climate Resilience
OPUS: A Career in Cycad Biology: An e-monograph
On the Andaquí Trail: Exploration and Conservation of Colombia’s Eastern Andean piedmont
Optimizing Carbon Sequestration in Constructed Forests
Pacific Northwest Cultural Landscapes
Palms of Vietnam
Phylogenetics and Taxonomy of Ormosia
Phylogeny and Systematics of the Characeae
Phylogeography and Conservation Genetics of the Caribbean Zamia clade
Plant Conservation and Forest Resource Management in Myanmar
Plant Diversity in the Montane Forest of Pernambuco
Plant, Fungal and Linguistic Diversity of Tafea Province, Vanuatu
Plants and People of Micronesia
Plants and People of Vanuatu
Project Rondônia and Floristic Exploration in Southwest Amazonia
Rare Trees of the Atlantic Forest of Southern Bahia, Brazil
Resolving a paradox of global botanical biodiversity: Why is Africa the “odd man out?”
Revision of Calamus
Securing and Sharing Biocultural Diversity Collections at The New York Botanical Garden
Starry Stonewort: Assessing the Threat of an Invasive Freshwater Macroalga in the Northeast
Surviving a mass extinction: Lessons from the K-Pg fern spike
Systematic Studies of the Burseraceae
Systematics and Biogeography of the Woodland Sedges Carex section Laxiflorae (Cyperaceae)
Systematics of Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae)
Systematics of Symplocos
Taxonomic Revision and Phylogenetic Study of Campyloneurum (Polypodiaceae)
The Blue Zone Project
The Fern Cell Atlas
The Green Algae Tree of Life
The Macroalgal Herbarium Consortium: Accessing 150 Years of Specimen Data to Understand Changes in the Marine/Aquatic Environment
The Macrofungi Collection Consortium: Unlocking a Biodiversity Resource for Understanding Biotic Interactions, Nutrient Cycling and Human Affairs
The Microfungi Collections Consortium: A Networked Approach to Digitizing Small Fungi with Large Impacts on the Function and Health of Ecosystems
The Mid-Atlantic Megalopolis: Achieving a greater scientific understanding of our urban world
The New Manual of Vascular Plants Project by NYBG
The Pteridological Collections Consortium: An integrative approach to pteridophyte diversity over the last 420 million years
The Shinnecock Ethnobotany Project
The Traditional Grain Mixtures Project
The language of land and life: Connecting language and ecology in Wixárika (hch)
Traditional Communities as Central Partners in the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Amazon Forests
Transforming Selaginella apoda into a major model species
Translational Ecology
Understanding the effects of ploidal level on responses to global change in plants
Updating the First Catalogue of the Flora of Acre, Brazil
Urban Forests Project
Using Herbarium Data To Document Plant Niches In The High Peaks And High Plains Of The Southern Rockies – Past, Present, And Future
Westchester Wilderness Walk, Zofnass Family Preserve
cROP: Common Reference Ontologies and Applications for Plant Biology