Project Archive
The project archive contains a list of historical NYBG projects. Some of the listed projects have concluded and officially closed-out, and others have evolved or spawned newer project activities.
1000 Plants Initiative
Assembly and Evolution of the Amazonian Biota and its Environment: An Integrated Approach
Belize Ethnobotany Project
Biodiversity Gradients in Obligate Symbiotic Organisms: A Case Study in Lichens in a Global Diversity Hotspot (NSF Dimensions)
Bolete Mushrooms Surveys and Revisions
Bryoflora of Cape Horn Archipelago
Collaborative Research: AVATOL-Next Generation Phenomics for the Tree of Life
Comparative Exploration of Plants and Local Knowledge in Portland Parish, Jamaica
Conservation Assessments of Plants of the Americas
cROP: Common Reference Ontologies and Applications for Plant Biology
Cultural Competency Training Program for Health Care Providers
Digitization of Caribbean Plants and Fungi
Endless Forms: Digitizing the World’s Most Interesting Plants
Evolution of Functional Traits in the Melastomataceae
Expansion of the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium to Incorporate Newly Acquired Specimens and Improve Curation
Flora of Central Park
Identifying Cuba’s Most Vulnerable Plant Species in the Face of Climate Change and Habitat Loss
Improving Health Care for Underserved Immigrant Caribbean and Latino Communities in New York City
Incised Fumewort in Westchester County: Early Detection and Rapid Response
Leon Levy Native Plant Preserve
The Macroalgal Herbarium Consortium: Accessing 150 Years of Specimen Data to Understand Changes in the Marine/Aquatic Environment
The Macrofungi Collection Consortium: Unlocking a Biodiversity Resource for Understanding Biotic Interactions, Nutrient Cycling and Human Affairs
The Microfungi Collections Consortium: A Networked Approach to Digitizing Small Fungi with Large Impacts on the Function and Health of Ecosystems
Macrofungi of Costa Rica
The Mid-Atlantic Megalopolis: Achieving a greater scientific understanding of our urban world
The Pteridological Collections Consortium: An integrative approach to pteridophyte diversity over the last 420 million years
Monographic and Phylogenetic Studies of Elaphoglossum
North American Lichens and Bryophytes: Sensitive Indicators of Environmental Quality and Change
On the Andaquí Trail: Exploration and Conservation of Colombia’s Eastern Andean Piedmont
Taxonomic Revision and Phylogenetic Study of Campyloneurum (Polypodiaceae)
Using Herbarium Data To Document Plant Niches In The High Peaks And High Plains Of The Southern Rockies – Past, Present, And Future
Westchester Wilderness Walk, Zofnass Family Preserve