Center for Biodiversity & Evolution
Scientists in the Center for Biodiversity & Evolution (CBE) study the origins, patterns, and conservation of plant and fungal diversity. Expertise in the Center spans from fungi, lichens, algae, and mosses to ferns and flowering plants. CBE researchers are working on projects in the Americas and in Asia, in tropical and temperate habitats. Regional projects focus on documenting and describing the floras many regions, including the Amazon, the Brazilian Atlantic forest, the Caribbean, and North America. Data generated by curators in the CBE provide a critical basis for conservation assessments.
Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Program for Molecular Systematics Studies
The Cullman Program for Molecular Systematics focuses plant molecular research on the global scientific effort to assemble the evolutionary tree of life (family tree) for all plants on Earth, past and present. Assembling the tree of life requires a very close understanding of the relationships of specific plants to each other. On the applied side, the Program focuses effort on using DNA barcodes as a species identity-tag.