Flowering Plants
Flowering plants produce seeds but, unlike gymnosperms, flowering plants have evolved seeds that are contained within fruits. They have also evolved flowers, which are organs for reproduction. Fruits can help with dispersal of seeds by attracting animals to consume them. Flowers can attract animal pollinators that carry pollen to other individuals of the same species. Flowers, fruits, and other characters evolved by flowering plants have given them adaptive advantage over many of the non-flowering plants around them. Since their first appearance on Earth around 130 million years ago, flowering plants have attained an incredible diversity of forms and have come to dominate most terrestrial ecosystems. They also provide us with almost all the food we eat—either directly or indirectly through livestock feed.
NYBG’s Flowering Plants Projects:
A Complete Web-based Monograph of the Tribe Miconieae (Melastomataceae)
Evolution and Systematics of the Neotropical Clade of Schefflera (Araliaceae)
EvoNet: A Phylogenomic and Systems Biology Approach to Identify Genes Underlying Plant Survival in Marginal, Low-Nitrogen Soils
Legume Research at The New York Botanical Garden
Leaf Architecture: Applications of Leaf Architecture in Systematics and Forest Management
Phylogenetics and Taxonomy of Ormosia
A phylogenomics approach to resolving one of the world’s most diverse, tropical angiosperm radiations: Melastomataceae
A Revised Taxonomy of the Palm Genus Iguanura
Revision of Calamus
A Systematic Monograph of Swartzia
Systematic Studies of the Burseraceae
Systematics of Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae)
Systematics of Symplocos