The advantage can be summarized with one word—skills! The School’s strength is that it teaches students valuable horticulture skills, which give our graduates a competitive advantage over other programs based solely on coursework. The School’s program combines the theoretical and the practical, teaching not just how to grow plants, but why plants grow the way they do. It is due to this kind of education that our students are highly sought after, not just for internships, but also for full-time employment upon graduation.
It is a close-knit community of dedicated and passionate professionals who are willing to share their knowledge, experience, information, and employment opportunities. As a student, you meet many key people in this profession from around the world in diverse areas of horticulture, and as a graduate, you become part of that community. One of the biggest benefits of attending the School is making these lifelong contacts here at NYBG and beyond.
Students come from all over the country and world. Most students have some college background, and many have degrees in fields other than horticulture. The majority of students are career changers and range in age from their late teens to mid-50s.
The School has had a job placement rate of 100% for the past 8 years. Our alumni are highly sought after by botanical gardens, public parks, celebrity estates, and even major league sports stadiums. Exceptional students also are often hired at NYBG upon graduation when a position is available. However, the School does not promise or guarantee employment.
Generally, private industry pays more than public parks and gardens. The starting salary range in private industry is typically $50,000–$60,000; for non-profits it is $40,000–$55,000.
The program is divided into nine terms. Academic classes are concentrated between rotations and include evening sessions.
Yes; contact the Director to assess your situation.
Students are required to complete 630 Course Hours and 1,990 Horticulture Rotation and Internship Hours in order to qualify for graduation.
On horticulture rotation days, students start at 8 a.m. and finish at 4 p.m. On class days, students may start at 10 a.m. and finish at 6 or 9 p.m. Students also can expect to have classes some evenings throughout the year. Some courses require homework and studying outside class hours.
Many courses are taught by our expert Horticulture staff. Due to their daytime schedules, they are only free to teach after 4 p.m.
Due to the intense schedule of academic courses and work rotations, in addition to various lectures, field trips, and plant ID walks, it’s nearly impossible to hold a part-time job, find time to study, and stay in good academic standing for the two-year program.
After successfully completing the program, students receive a Diploma in Horticulture from The New York Botanical Garden.
Housing is available in the Bronx and lower Westchester County within a convenient distance from the Garden. Housing is not provided by the School, and out-of-town and international students are advised to secure housing prior to arriving in New York.
Orientation starts the last week in January. New students meet staff and become familiar with the Garden’s philosophies, policies, and facilities. Orientation and special group projects with Horticulture continue through February and March to prepare students for their horticulture rotations in the spring.
Computers are available 24 hours a day in the Student Room, M-280. Students may be assigned an NYBG e-mail address if desired. In addition, there is Wi-Fi service in the Watson Building and other buildings on campus.
Classrooms and academic facilities are in the Watson and Library buildings. The Student Room is available for meal breaks, studying, drafting, and computer use. Horticulture training is carried out at locations throughout the Garden.
The Garden’s Pine Tree Café on Garden grounds is open Tuesdays through Sundays, and students enjoy a 20% discount. The Café serves pizza, panini, salads, snacks, and beverages. The Hudson Garden Grill is a more formal dining option on Garden grounds. There are also several moderately priced diners, cafés, and pizzerias within walking distance of the Garden.
In addition to a 20% discount at the Pine Tree Café, students also enjoy a 20% discount at NYBG Shop, which stocks a wide range of horticultural and botanical books, plants, gardening equipment, and gifts.
The Garden is committed to providing a safe environment for students, staff, and visitors. The grounds are protected by licensed security personnel. The School submits an annual Campus Security Report to the U.S. Department of Education, as is required from Title IV schools.