Meet the Scientists
Science Staff at The New York Botanical Garden
The Science Division of The New York Botanical Garden encompasses several departments and programs and includes more than one hundred scientists, including staff, graduate students, Emeritus Curators, and Affiliated Scientists. All are working toward the Garden’s scientific mission to explore, understand, and conserve the Earth’s vast botanical diversity.
Staff Researchers
Ambrose, Barbara
Specialty: Plant genomics, morphology and development
Current Research Projects:
Evolution and Development in Lycophytes and Ferns
Evolution and Development of Fundamental Reproductive Structures: Sporangia
Fruit Evolution and Development
Transforming Selaginella apoda into a Major Model Species
Armstrong, Kathleen
Specialty: Myanmar, Himalayan and Southeast Asian floristics, systematics and biogeography of Sapotaceae
Current Research Projects:
Bringing Asia to Digital Life: Mobilizing Underrepresented Asian Herbarium Collections in the US to Propel Biodiversity Discovery
Floristic Inventory of a Neglected Biodiversity Hotspot: Myanmar’s Northern Forest Complex
Plant Conservation and Forest Resource Management in Myanmar
Balick, Michael
Specialty: Ethnobotany, Poison Plants, Pacific Island Floristics
Current Research Projects:
Plant, Fungal and Linguistic Diversity of Tafea Province, Vanuatu
Plants and People of Micronesia
Plants and People of Vanuatu
Beaury, Evelyn
Specialty: Global change, invasion ecology, spatial modeling, climate change
Current research projects:
Climate Change & Climate Mitigation
Invasion Biogeography
Translational Ecology
Bedoya, Ana Maria
Specialty: Plant Systematics, evolution of neotropical plant diversity, natural history, large-sale genetic data and phylogenetic inference
Borsuk, Aleca
Specialty: Plant structure and function, Ecophysiology
Daly, Douglas
Specialty: Burseraceae (frankincense family)
Current Research Projects:
Floristic Exploration in Southeast Asia
Leaf Architecture: Applications in Systematics and Forest Management
Project Rondônia and Floristic Exploration in southwest Amazon
Systematic Studies of the Burseraceae
Traditional Communities as Central Partners in the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Amazon Forests
Updating the First Catalogue of the Flora of Acre, Brazil
Diazgranados, Mauricio
Specialty: Biodiversity, Biogeography, Conservation, Nature-based Solutions, Taxonomy, and Systematics
Jin, JianJun
Specialty: Plant systematics, evolutionary genomics, computational biology
Karol, Kenneth
Specialty: Green Algal Systematics and Evolution (Charales)
Current Research Projects:
Expansion of the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium to Incorporate Newly Acquired Specimens and Improve Curation
The Green Algae Tree of Life
The Macroalgal Herbarium Consortium: Accessing 150 Years of Specimen Data to Understand Changes in the Marine/Aquatic Environment
Phylogeny and Systematics of the Characeae
Starry Stonewort: Assessing the Threat of an Invasive Freshwater Macroalga in the Northeast
Kelly, Lawrence
Specialty: Aristolochiaceae (Birthwort family), Symplocaceae (Sweetleaf family), Saurauia (Actinidiaceae; Kiwi family)
Current Research Projects:
Systematics of Symplocos
Little, Damon
Specialty: Gymnosperms and Bioinformatics
Current Research Projects:
DNA Barcoding of Dietary Supplements
Monographia: Open-Source Software to Automate Revisionary Systematic Studies
McAlvay, Alex
Specialty: Ethnobotany, traditional plant management, domestication, agrobiodiversity
Current Research Projects:
Brassica: Domestication, Weeds, and Evolution
Pacific Northwest Cultural Landscapes
The Shinnecock Ethnobotany Project
The Traditional Grain Mixtures Project
The Language of Land and Life: Connecting Language and Ecology in Wixárika (hch)
Michelangeli, Fabian
Specialty: Melastomataceae
Current Research Projects:
A phylogenomics approach to resolving one of the world’s most diverse, tropical angiosperm radiations: Melastomataceae
A Complete Web-based Monograph of the Tribe Miconieae (Melastomataceae)
Naczi, Robert
Specialty: Floristics of eastern North America, Systematics and ecology of Cyperaceae, Systematics and ecology of Sarraceniaceae
Current Research Projects:
Conservation Assessment of Intertidal Vascular Plants of the Hudson River Estuary
The New Manual of Vascular Plants Project by NYBG
Oberle, Brad
Specialty: Forest ecology, carbon cycling, conservation biology
Bromeliad Life History, Nutrient Cycling, and Conservation Biology
CAM photosynthesis, life history and nitrogen cycling in the diverse Neotropical bromeliads
Mangrove Resilience and Restoration
Optimizing Carbon Sequestration in Constructed Forests
Urban Forests Project
Pace, Matthew
Specialty: New World Orchidaceae, especially Spiranthes, Platanthera, and Lepanthes; New World plant biogeography; citizen scientist inclusive orchid conservation
Current Research Projects:
Bringing Asia to Digital Life: Mobilizing Underrepresented Asian Herbarium Collections in the US to Propel Biodiversity Discovery
Securing and Sharing Biocultural Diversity Collections at The New York Botanical Garden
Plunkett, Gregory
Specialty: Araliaceae, Apiaceae, Pittosporaceae
Current Research Projects:
Evolution and Systematics of the Neotropical Clade of Schefflera (Araliaceae)
Plants and People of Vanuatu
Sanderson, Eric W.
Specialty: Landscape and ecosystem ecology
Current Research Projects:
Blue Zones of New York City
Sessa, Emily
Specialty: Evolution and ecology of plant diversity, Fern systematics
Current Research Projects:
Resolving a paradox of global botanical biodiversity: Why is Africa the odd man out?
Surviving a mass extinction: Lessons from the K-Pg fern spike
Understanding the effects of ploidal level on responses to global change in plants
Torke, Benjamin
Specialty: Leguminosae (bean family); floristics and species diversity in Amazonia
Current Research Projects:
Conserving Threatened Leguminous Rain Forest Trees in the Middle Magdelena Valley of Colombia
Floristic Inventory of the Tapajos National Forest and Amazonia National Park
Legume Research at The New York Botanical Garden
Phylogenetics and taxonomy of Ormosia
A Systematic Monograph of Swartzia
Zumajo, Cecilia
Specialty: Evolutionary developmental biology and genomics
Science Staff
Ginger Apolo
Curatorial Assistant, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Laura Briscoe
Assistant Director of the Herbarium for the Cryptogamic Herbarium, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Kelcie Brown
Curatorial Assistant, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Leeann Dabydeen
Laboratory Manager, Laboratory for Integrative Biodiversity Research
Victoria Davis
Lab Technician, Center for Biodiversity & Evolution
Annie Fu
GIS Developer and Systems Auditor
Elizabeth Gjieli
Geographical Information Manager, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Lucja Klebieko
Shipping Supervisor, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Lisa Lall
Secretary, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Claire Lyman
Administrative Manager
Tallia Maglione
Herbarium Aide, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Giulia Mattalia
NYBG – Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies Joint Postdoc
Leanna McMillin
Herbarium Digital Asset Manager, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Jesse Moy
Computer Visualization Artist and Web Designer
Joel Ramirez
Web Developer for Biodiversity Information Management, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Wilson Ramos
Herbarium Shipping Clerk, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Ramos-Bierge, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Plants People and Culture
Hannah Ratcliff
Laboratory Technician, Laboratory for Integrative Biodiversity Research
Edgardo Rivera
Senior Curatorial Assistant, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Lucinda Royte
Research Assistant, Center for Conservation and Restoration Ecology
Tynisha Smalls
Laboratory Manager, Laboratory for Integrative Biodiversity Reserach
Nicole Tarnowsky
Assistant Director, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Veliza Vasquez
Administrative Assistant, Center for Plants People and Culture
Project Manager, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Han Wang
Lead Digitizer, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Kimberly Watson
Assistant Director of the Herbarium for Botanical Information Management, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Amy Weiss
Collections Manager, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Ash Welch
Herbarium Aide
Graduate Students
Angulo, Juan
Affiliation: City University of New York
Specialty: Angiosperm Systematics
Audi, Lauren
Affiliation: New York University
Specialty: Genomics of plant adaptations
Avila, Fabio Andres
Affiliation: City University of New York
Specialty: Angiosperm Systematics
Boggess, Laura
Affiliation: City University of New York
Specialty: Lichen systematics
Dayanandan, Arun
Affiliation: Yale
Specialty: Forest ecology
Flores, Manny
Affiliation: Yale University
Specialty: Tropical Plant Physiology
Howland, Jeremy
Affiliation: City University of New York
Specialty: Lichen systmatics
Johnson, Toni
Affiliation: City University of New York
Specialty: Ethnobotany and phytochemistry
Mwihaki, John (MJ)
Affiliation: City University of New York
Specialty: Systematics of tree ferns
Paradiso, Lydia
Affiliation: City University of New York
Specialty: Systematics of Larix
Rodriguez, Amani
Affiliation: Columbia University
Specialty: Ethnobotany and agroecology
Samra, Kate
Affiliation: CUNY
Specialty: Angiosperm systematics
Sathurusinghe, Amaya
Affiliation: Yale University
Specialty: Tropical forest ecology
Sheban, Karam
Affiliation: Yale University
Specialty: Climate change and food security
Sondervan, Veronica
Affiliation: New York University
Specialty: Phylogenomics
Sorojsrisom, Elissa
Affiliation: Columbia University
Specialty: Evolutionary Developmental Biology
Sparreo, Luke
Affiliation: CUNY
Specialty: Angiosperm Systematics
Surendra, Akshay
Affiliation: Yale University
Specialty: Ecology of tree distributions
Tan, Stanley
Affiliation: Yale University
Specialty: Tropical forest ecology
Trujillo, Alma
Affiliation: Yale University
Specialty: Conservation and sustainable management of forest ecosystems
Vardeman, Ella
Affiliation: City University of New York
Specialty: Medicinal ethnobotany
Verlynde, Simon
Affiliation: City University of New York
Specialty: Orchid systematics
Woodbury, David
Affiliation: Yale
Specialty: Forest ecology
Zanghi, Marco
Affiliation: Columbia University
Specialty: Ethnobotany and conservation
Curators Emeriti
Boom, Brian
Specialty: Neotropical systematic and economic botany; Rubiaceae; forest inventories
Current Research Projects:
Digitization of Caribbean Plants and Fungi in The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium
New York City EcoFlora
Buck, William
Specialty: Pleurocarpus mosses
Current Research Projects:
Bryoflora of Cape Horn Archipelago
North American Lichens and Bryophytes: Sensitive Indicators of Environmental Quality and Change
Halling, Roy
Specialty: Agaricales and Boletales (mushrooms, puffballs and related groups)
Current Research Projects:
Bolete Mushrooms Surveys and Revisions
Expansion of the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium to Incorporate Newly Acquired Specimens and Improve Curation
The Macrofungi Collection Consortium: Unlocking a Biodiversity Resource for Understanding Biotic Interactions, Nutrient Cycling and Human Affairs
Macrofungi of Costa Rica
The Microfungi Collections Consortium: A Networked Approach to Digitizing Small Fungi with Large Impacts on the Function and Health of Ecosystems
Henderson, Andrew
Specialty: Arecaeae (Palm family)
Current Research Projects:
Expansion of the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium to Incorporate Newly Acquired Specimens and Improve Curation
Revision of Calamus
Palms of Vietnam
Holmgren, Noel
Specialty: Intermountain Flora; Scrophulariaceae (Beard Tongue family)
Holmgren, Patricia
Specialty: Intermountain Flora
Kallunki, Jacquelyn
Specialty: Rutaceae (Orange family)
Moran, Robbin
Specialty: Pteridophytes (Ferns and related groups)
Current Research Projects:
Monographic and Phylogenetic Studies of Elaphoglossum (Dryopteridaceae)
Phylogeny of Non-flowering Plants
Taxonomic Revision and Phylogenetic Study of Campyloneurum (Polypodiaceae)
Padoch, Christine
Specialty: Traditional agriculture, agroforestry and forest management in Amazonia and Southeast Asia
Current Research Projects:
Return to Nanga Jela/Pemulai ke Nanga Jela: The Past and Present of a Sarawak Iban Community and its Diaspora
Transitions to Climate Resilient Landscapes: Reducing and Mitigating Boreal and Tropical Forest Fires to Promote Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in Indonesia and the Russian Far East (with Kyoto University)
Peters, Charles
Specialty: Tropical forestry and ecology
Stevenson, Dennis
Specialty: Cycadales (Cycads)
Current Research Projects:
Collaborative Research: AVATOL – Next Generation Phenomics for the Tree of Life
CROP: Common Reference Ontologies and Applications for Plant Biology
EvoNet: A Phylogenomic and Systems Biology Approach to Identify Genes Underlying Plant Survival in Marginal, Low-Nitrogen Soils
Genomics of Comparative Seed Evolution
OPUS: A Career in Cycad Biology: An e-monograph
Phylogeography and Conservation Genetics of the Caribbean Zamia clade
1000 Plants Initiative</a
Thiers, Barbara
Specialty: Hepaticae (Liverworts)
Current Research Projects:
Expansion of the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium to Incorporate Newly Acquired Specimens and Improve Curation
Index Herbariorum Upgrade: A Project to Improve Access to Information about the World’s Plant and Fungal Collections Assets
The Macrofungi Collection Consortium: Unlocking a Biodiversity Resource for Understanding Biotic Interactions, Nutrient Cycling and Human Affairs
The Mid-Atlantic Megalopolis: Achieving a greater scientific understanding of our urban world
World Flora Online
Thomas, William
Specialty: Cyperaceae (Sedge family), Simaroubaceae (Tree of Heaven family, and Picramniaceae (Bitter-bush Family) Flora and conservation of the Atlantic forest of northeastern Brazil
Current Research Projects:
Coastal Forest Plant Diversity in Northeastern Brazil
Dimensions US-BIOTA-São Paulo: A Multidisciplinary Framework for Biodiversity Prediction in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Hotspot
Molecular-based Plant inventory of a Megadiverse Bahian Forest
Plant Diversity in the Montane Forest of Pernambuco
Systematics of Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae)
World Flora Online