North America
Over a century ago, the Botanical Garden’s founding director Nathaniel Lord Britton established as a Garden priority the discovery and documentation of North America’s own plants and fungi. The Garden has never veered from that mission. Today the North America Program integrates and builds on a century of knowledge about the ecosystems, habitats, and species in our backyard. The United States alone hosts about 22,000 species, including many that are essential for a healthy environment, or are economically important.
NYBG’s North America Projects:
American Crossroads: Digitizing the Vascular Flora of the South-Central United States
Blue Zones of New York City
Climate Change & Climate Mitigation
Conservation Assessment of Intertidal Vascular Plants of the Hudson River Estuary
EvoNet: A Phylogenomic and Systems Biology Approach to Identify Genes Underlying Plant Survival in Marginal, Low-Nitrogen Soils
Invasion Biogeography
Lichen Biodiversity of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
The New Manual of Vascular Plants Project by NYBG
Mangrove Resilience and Restoration
New York City Ecoflora
North American Lichens and Bryophytes: Sensitive Indicators of Environmental Quality and Change
Starry Stonewort: Assessing the Threat of an Invasive Freshwater Macroalga in the Northeast
Systematics and Biogeography of the Woodland Sedges Carex section Laxiflorae (Cyperaceae)
Translational Ecology
Urban Forests Project
Visionmaker 2.0