Hella McVay was born in Berlin and educated in mathematics at the Free University of Berlin. Hella taught mathematics for 25 years and was the founding chair of the mathematics department at Stuart Country Day School in Princeton. She was a founder of the Whole Earth Center, the first organic food store in the Garden State. Hella was a dedicated volunteer for Planned Parenthood and received the Margaret Sanger Award twice. Having traveled to more than 100 countries, she is an explorer, photographer, painter, and writer. She worked for Siemen’s RTL as assistant to the President for five years.
Scott McVay graduated from Princeton University in English literature and served for three years as a special agent of the US Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps in Berlin. Returning to Princeton, he became the University’s first recording secretary and later assistant to President Robert F. Goheen.
McVay’s fascination with whales and dolphins led him to work for John C. Lilly, and to serve on the U. S. delegation to the International Whaling Commission. With his wife, he discovered and described the six-octave song of the humpback whale, which became an anthem for whale conservation.
Scott served as the founding executive director of the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation and Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, and as the 16th president of the Chautauqua Institution. He has served on many boards including the World Wildlife Board, Smithsonian Institution, and currently Grounds for Sculpture.
He is the author of scientific papers and Surprise Encounters with Artists and Scientists, Whales and Other Livings Things.