A butterfly on a yellow flower

Earth Day 2020: In Praise of Pollinators

Wednesday, April 22
Event Cancelled

Fifty years ago, 20 million Americans coast-to-coast took to the streets to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable planet and marked the beginning of the modern environmental movement. That first Earth Day led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts; and comprehensive bans of a variety of toxic chemicals.

But there’s still much work to be done! Today, pollinators are dying in unprecedented numbers and even facing extinction. Our ecosystems depend on these amazing bees, bugs, and butterflies. For Earth Day 2020, find out how you can promote pollinators, support native ecosystems, and prevent the loss of biodiversity in our region.

Annie White: Nativars—From Nursery to Nature
As interest in pollinator gardens increases, the debate about the ecological benefits of “nativars”—cultivated varieties of native species—continues. A pioneer in nativar research, Annie White, Ph.D., discusses her findings on the preferences of insect pollinators and the most important considerations when selecting plants for any landscape.

Anand Persad: Creating Healthy Habitats for Pollinators
Think beyond the bloom! Entomologist and Manager of Plant Sciences Research at Davey Tree, Anand Persad, Ph.D., walks us through his research that shows the changes we can make in the landscape to best support pollinators, including how to provide nutritious early- and late-season food sources and prime winter nesting locations.

Heather Holm: The Buzz About Native Bees
Discover the life cycle, pollen collection strategy, nesting habitat, brood rearing, and general characteristics of our region’s native bees. Heather Holm, author of the award-winning Bees: An Identification and Native Plant Forage Guide, shares how and why native bees are particularly important as pollinators of native plants.

Presentations followed by discussion and audience Q&A, moderated by Michael Hagen, Curator of the Native Plant Garden and Rock Garden at NYBG

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