Mertz Library Humanities

Our Lady of the Gasteromycetes: The Mushrooms of Violetta White Delafield

Friday, January 10, 2020

11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Illustration of a mushroom from the herbariumVioletta White Delafield (1875–1949) was an American botanist well-known for her horticultural pursuits at Montgomery Place, the ancestral estate of the Delafield and Livingston families of the Hudson Valley. Delafield was also an accomplished mycologist, the author of important papers on a group of fungi known as gasteromycetes. Her watercolor illustrations of mushrooms and contributions of fungal specimens to the herbaria of The New York Botanical Garden and New York State Museum retain significant scientific value to this day. This talk will explore her career as one of the early female workers in the field of mycology, especially in the context of her association with mycologists of The New York Botanical Garden.

Support for the Humanities Institute provided by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

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