James Lendemer
Associate Curator, Institute of Systematic Botany
PhD, City University of New York
Lichen Systematics
Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi
Research locations
North America
Research Projects
As the staff lichenologist and an assistant curator in the Institute of Systematic Botany, I spearhead a diverse program of research and education focused on lichens—symbiotic fungi that are often considered to be the equivalent of corals on land. I oversee the curation of the lichen collection at New York Botanical Garden, the largest such collection in the western hemisphere, and one that serves scientists and land managers worldwide by providing access to unique high quality data. My research focuses on understanding the biodiversity of lichens in North America, while simultaneously working with collaborative partners to develop and implement conservation strategies that will safeguard those species for future generations. You can learn more about my work, and that of my students, by following the links elsewhere on this page.
Learn and Read More
Neglected Biodiversity and the Extinction Crisis (Action BioScience, AIBS)
Podcast: Dollypartoniana and Other Lichens (The Adaptors)
Hunting the Wild Lichen (Science Friday)
Lichens in the Great Smoky Mountains (National Park Service)
Discovery of the Dare Biodiversity Hotspot in North Carolina (Castanea)
Selected Publications
Allen, J.L. and J.C. Lendemer. 2015. Fungal conservation in the USA. Endangered Species Research 28: 33-42. PDF(Open Access)
Lendemer, J.C. and J. Allen. 2014. Lichen Biodiversity under threat from Sea-Level Rise in the Atlantic Coastal Plain. BioScience 64: 923-931. PDF(Open Access)
Lendemer, J.C., R.C. Harris and A.M. Ruiz. 2016. A Review of the Lichens of the Dare Regional Biodiversity Hotspot in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina, Eastern North America. Castanea 81(1): 1-77. PDF(Open Access)
Tripp, E.A. and J.C. Lendemer. 2012. Too Late for North American Biodiversity? BioSicence 62(3): 218-219. PDF(Open Access)
Lendemer, J.C., R.C. Harris and E.A. Tripp. 2013. The lichens and allied fungi of Great Smoky Mountains National Park: an annotated checklist with comprehensive keys. Memoirs of The New York Botanical Garden 104: i-viii, 1-152.
Lendemer, J.C. and B.P. Hodkinson. 2013. A radical shift in the taxonomy of Lepraria s.l.: molecular and morphological studies shed new light on the evolution of asexuality and lichen growth form diversification. Mycologia 105(4): 994-1018. PDF(Open Access)
Lendemer, J.C. 2013. A monograph of the crustose members of the genus Lepraria Ach. s. str. (Stereoculaceae, Lichenized Ascomycetes) in North America north of Mexico. Opuscula Philolichenum 12: 27-141. PDF(Open Access)
Lendemer, J.C., E. Tripp and J.W. Sheard. 2014. A review of Rinodina (Physciaceae) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park highlights the growing significance of this “island of biodiversity” in eastern North America. The Bryologist 117(3): 259-281. Journal Website (BioOne)