Photo of the Holiday Train Show Family Benefit creative

Benefit Committee

Jay Arthurs and Abigail Struthers
Kelly and Vishal Bakshi
Sarah and Mike Barnett
Georgina Bloomberg
Lizzie and Taylor Boswell
Stacey and Brian Burt
Janet and Michael Cling
Ginny and Sean Day
Danielle DiNapoli and Genevieve Patalano
Emily and Nick Elliot
Maria L. Finley and Lauren Finley
Ashley Isaacs Ganz and Steve Ganz
Michael and Ania Janis
Michael and Erika Lee
Jennifer and Beau Lescott
Nicole McGuigan
Brian and Sara Mendell
Stephen and Reed Minor
Vanessa Mullins
The Overbay Family
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Overlock
Julia and José Recaman
Tanya and Felix Scherzer
The Scott/Winfrey Family
Aneesa Sheikh and Eric Cheng
Mr. and Mrs. Théo E. Spilka
Uddo-Kaniuga Family
Lucy Willis and Family

List in formation

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