Saving the American Ash Summit
Friday, October 13, 2017
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
The magnificent ash (Fraxinus) is facing a deadly crisis. Many ashes are keystone species, anchoring their ecosystems, but are now threatened by an invasive beetle. The emerald ash borer (EAB), discovered near Detroit in 2002, is moving rapidly through New York, New England, and Canada. Tree mortality is nearly 100 percent, leading to several species being declared critically endangered. In this landmark summit in Ross Hall, four experts examine an iconic genus in peril, as well as ways that homeowners, nature enthusiasts, and forest resource managers can work to save these beloved trees.
Moderated by Brian M. Boom, Ph.D., VP for Conservation Strategy, NYBG
Topics and Speakers:
Ash in North American Forest Ecosystems and The Threat of Emerald Ash Borer
Kathleen Knight, Ph.D., Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station, US Forest Service
Sustaining Traditions: The Effects of EAB On Black Ash Basketry
Kelly Church, Black ash basket weaver, Grand Traverse Band Ottawa and Chippewa and Gun Lake Band
Conserving Ash Trees in the Northeast: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
Daniel Atha, Director of Conservation Outreach, NYBG
Monitoring and Managing Ash: A Protocol for Conservation and Mitigation
Jonathan Rosenthal, M.S., J.D., Director, Ecological Research Institute, Kingston, NY
Learn more about NYBG’s ash tree conservation efforts.
Saving the American Ash Summit is partially funded by the Sarah K. de Coizart Article TENTH Perpetual Charitable Trust.
Image © Virens