Pink and purple walls adorned with orchids in conservatory

Orchids of the Herbarium

February 23; April 6 & 27*

12–4 p.m. | Haupt Conservatory

Learn how orchid specimens are collected, preserved, mounted, and categorized with the staff members of the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium. Admire the display of specimens from Mexico; stay for a mounting demonstration; and try your hand at creating a specimen of your own to take home with you. On select dates indicated above, in-person Spanish interpretation will be provided.

*Interpretación en español disponible. On indicated dates, in-person Spanish translation will be available for this program.

Featured Herbarium Staff

  • Nicole Tarnowsky is the Assistant Director of the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium and has worked at the Garden for 28 years. Sharing our Herbarium collections with a wider audience has become a great interest, exploring not only the scientific value of specimens but also the historical, cultural, and artistic stories these collections represent.

  • Kenneth R. Otero Walker is currently the Project Manager of the NSF-funded Biocultural Diversity Collections Project at the New York Botanical Garden, where he is assisting in securing, digitizing, and increasing access to herbarium collections with links to biocultural knowledge. A Bronx-born New York City native, Kenneth graduated from the prestigious Brooklyn Technical High School, majoring in Biochemistry through the Gateway to Medicine program before meriting a Bachelors in Latin American Studies with a minor in Africana studies at Binghamton University. This emerging ethnobotanist has spoken internationally on a number of ethnobiological topics, from biocultural collections research and management to fostering greater recognition of Caribbean traditional plant knowledge.

  • Ash Welch is the newest member of the Herbarium team and a recent graduate of the College of the Atlantic. They have an interest in every aspect of the natural world and love discussing the treasures held in the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium.

A black and white photo of a person with dark hair and a black shirt posing for a photo

About the Translator: Juan Ferrer

Juan Ferrer (he/they) is a Chilean Designer focused on interdisciplinary practices for scientific communication. His interest is in contemporary art, museums, and mycology, for which he founded the Museo del Hongo (Museum of Fungi) in 2016. Currently, he is pursuing a Masters degree in Interdisciplinary Studies at NYU.

Juan Ferrer (he/they) es un diseñador chileno enfocado en prácticas interdisciplinarias para la comunicación científica. Su interés está puesto en el arte contemporáneo, los museos y la micología, por lo que fundó el Museo del Hongo en 2016. Actualmente cursa un Máster en Estudios Interdisciplinarios en NYU. | @juanitoferrer@museodelhongo

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