Curious Allies: Exploring Relationships in Fungi, Parasites, & Carnivores
May 18–October 27, 2024
10 a.m.–6 p.m. | At the Garden
The Fifth New York Botanical Garden Triennial with the American Society of Botanical Artists
No organism on Earth can survive alone, but some rely on collaboration more than others. The fungi, lichens, and plants featured in this show rely on ingenious mechanisms of symbiosis—sometimes mutual, sometimes parasitic—to get what they need to thrive. Along the way, these organisms and their relationships become critical to functioning and healthy ecosystems. This exhibition celebrates the many symbiotic relationships found throughout the botanical world, and the cutting-edge discoveries still being made about them. Artworks have been selected for this Fifth American Society of Botanical Artists Triennial by a jury team of Joanna L. Groarke, Robin Jess, Patricia Jonas, and Susan Mintun. The artworks were required to examine important and often understudied symbiotic relationships of fungi, lichens, and mycoheterotrophic, parasitic, and carnivorous plants. Forty-eight artworks were chosen from artists in the United States, Brazil, Canada, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.
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Pitcher Plant and Friends by Betsy Rogers-Knox, 2022
Sarracenia purpurea, Cephalanthus occidentalis, Lythrum salicaria, Chelone glabra
Watercolor on paper, 15 x 15 inches