Robert F. C. Naczi
Arthur J. Cronquist Curator of North American Botany, Center for Biodiversity & Evolution
Ph.D., The University of Michigan
Floristics of northeastern U.S.A. and adjacent Canada, Revisionary systematics in Cyperaceae, Phylogeny and biogeography of Sarraceniaceae and their arthropod symbionts
Floristics of eastern North America, Systematics and ecology of Cyperaceae, Systematics and ecology of Sarraceniaceae
Research locations
Western Hemisphere
The major focus of Robert Naczi’s research is the floristics of eastern North America. Specifically, his research entails study of the identification, geographic distribution, frequency, ecology, and conservation of plants growing wild in this region. The chief aim of this research is revision of Gleason and Cronquist’s Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada (The New York Botanical Garden Press, 1991).
The Gleason & Cronquist Manual is the latest in a rich tradition of books on plants of northeastern North America published by New York Botanical Garden staff. Since Nathaniel Lord Britton published his Illustrated Flora in 1896, the goal of these books has been to enable the user to correctly identify plants growing in the wild in a vast region. The geographic coverage of the Gleason & Cronquist Manual encompasses all or portions of 22 states of the U.S.A. and five Canadian provinces. Major advances in botanical science since the last edition of the Manual mean the time is ripe for a revision.
In addition, Robert conducts research in plant systematics. Much of this research is devoted to revisionary systematics of sedges, particularly the genera Carex and Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae). Carex, with about 2000 species, is the largest genus of flowering plants in North America and one of the world’s largest genera. Data from field, laboratory, and herbarium studies permit him to describe new sedge species, reconstruct their phylogenies, and improve their classifications. Robert is especially keen on utilizing phylogenetic trees to understand sedge morphology, chromosome number variation, and biogeography.
He also studies the systematics of the Western Hemisphere Pitcher Plants (Sarraceniaceae), carnivorous plants with pitcher-like leaves functioning as traps. Despite their inherent interest and popularity in horticulture, pitcher plants remain poorly understood. Robert is applying novel approaches to study their systematics. For example, he uses symbiotic and host-specific mites and flies as flags for potential realignments in the current classification scheme of these plants. Many threats to the survival of pitcher plants exist. Habitat destruction, fire suppression, and poaching are the most serious menaces, and several species are critically imperiled. An improved understanding of the systematics of pitcher plants and of their arthropods will help ensure the long-term survival of these fascinating plants.
Selected Publications
[For complete list of publications, see CV.]
Naczi, R. F. C., P. J. S. Silva Filho, M. T. Strong, and W. W. Thomas. 2019. Rhynchospora belizensis (Cyperaceae), a new species of Rhynchospora sect. Tenues from Belize. Brittonia 10.1007/s12228-019-09597-6.
Naczi, R. F. C. 2018. Systematics and evolution of Sarraceniaceae. Pp. 105–119 in A. M. Ellison and L. Adamec, eds. Carnivorous Plants: Physiology, ecology, and evolution. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Naczi, R. F. C. 2017. Portion of Cyperaceae, the Sedge Family: Cyperus. In R.F.C. Naczi, J. R. Abbott, and Collaborators, New Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, online edition. NYBG Press, New York. 25 pp.
Naczi, R. F. C. 2016. New Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. Brittonia 68: 238–244.
Naczi, R. F. C. 2016. Papaveraceae, the Poppy Family. In R.F.C. Naczi, J. R. Abbott, and Collaborators, New Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, online edition. NYBG Press, New York. 13 pp.
Naczi, R. F. C. 2016. Primulaceae, the Primrose Family. In R.F.C. Naczi, J. R. Abbott, and Collaborators, New Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, online edition. NYBG Press, New York. 14 pp.
Naczi, R. F. C., and R. D. Moyer. 2016. Revision of the Rhynchospora glomerata species complex, focusing on the taxonomic status of R. leptocarpa (Cyperaceae). Brittonia 69: 114–126.
Ellison, A. M., C. C. Davis, P. J. Calie, and R. F. C. Naczi. 2014. Pitcher plants (Sarracenia) provide a 21st-century perspective on infraspecific ranks and interspecific hybrids: a modest proposal for appropriate recognition and usage. Systematic Botany 39: 939–949.
Léveillé-Bourret, E., C. N. Gilmour, J. R. Starr, R. F. C. Naczi, D. Spalink, and K. J. Sytsma. 2014. Searching for the sister to sedges (Carex): Resolving relationships in the Cariceae-Dulicheae-Scirpeae clade (Cyperaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 176: 1–21.
Poindexter, D. B., and R. F. C. Naczi. 2014. Taxonomy and geographic distribution of Carex lucorum var. austrolucorum (section Acrocystis, Cyperaceae). Brittonia 66: 358–370.
Gilmour, C. N., J. R. Starr, and R. F. C. Naczi. 2013. Calliscirpus, a new genus for two narrow endemics of the California Floristic Province, C. criniger and C. brachythrix sp. nov. (Cyperaceae). Kew Bulletin 68: 85–105.
Naczi, R. F. C. 2013. Asynchronous culm production and its morphologic and nomenclatural significance in Carex section Careyanae (Cyperaceae). Memoirs of The New York Botanical Garden 108: 115–126.
Ellison, A. M., E. D. Butler, E. J. Hicks, R. F. C. Naczi, P. J. Calie, C. D. Bell, and C. C. Davis. 2012. Phylogeny and biogeography of the carnivorous plant family Sarraceniaceae. PLoS ONE 7(6): e39291.
Ford, B. A., H. Ghazvini, R. F. C. Naczi, and J. R. Starr. 2012. Phylogeny of Carex subg. Vignea (Cyperaceae) based on amplified fragment length polymorphism and nrDNA data. Systematic Botany 37: 913–925.
Naczi, R. F. C. 2009. Insights on using morphologic data for phylogenetic analysis in sedges (Cyperaceae). The Botanical Review 75: 67-95. [link]
Naczi, R. F. C. and B. A. Ford, eds. 2008. Sedges: Uses, Diversity, and Systematics of the Cyperaceae. Amazon.com 298 pp. [link]
Sarver, M., A. Treher, L. Wilson, R. Naczi, and F. B. Kuehn. 2008. Mistaken Identity? Invasive Plants and their Native Look-alikes: An identification guide for the Mid-Atlantic. Delaware Dept. Agriculture, Dover. 62 pp. [pdf, 7 MB]
Muasya, A. M., D. A. Simpson, G. A. Verboom, P. Goetghebeur, R. F. C. Naczi, M. W. Chase, and E. Smets. 2009. Phylogeny of Cyperaceae Based on DNA Sequence Data: Current progress and future prospects. The Botanical Review 75: 2-21. [link]
Ford, B. A., R. F. C. Naczi, and J. R. Starr. 2008. Carex section Phyllostachyae: The value of a multidisciplinary approach in conducting systematics studies in sedges. Pp. 227-242 in R. F. C. Naczi and B. A. Ford, eds. Sedges: Uses, Diversity, and Systematics of the Cyperaceae. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. [pdf, <1MB]
Knapp, W. M. and R. F. C. Naczi. 2008. Taxonomy, morphology, and geographic distribution of Juncus longii (Juncaceae). Systematic Botany 33: 685-694. [pdf, 1 MB]
Dahlem, G. A. and R. F. C. Naczi. 2006. Flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) associated with North American pitcher plants (Sarraceniaceae), with descriptions of three new species. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 99: 218-240. [pdf, 4 MB]
Ford, B. A., M. Iranpour, R. F. C. Naczi, J. R. Starr, and C. A. Jerome. 2006. Phylogeny of Carex subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae) based on non-coding nrDNA sequence data. Systematic Botany 31: 70-82. [pdf, <1 MB]
Ford, B. A., R. F. C. Naczi, H. Ghazvini, and M. Iranpour. 2006. Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis reveals three distinct taxa in Carex digitalis sect. Careyanae (Cyperaceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 84: 1444-1452. [pdf, <1 MB]
Naczi, R. F. C., C. T. Bryson, and T. S. Cochrane. 2002. Seven new species and one new combination in Carex (Cyperaceae) from North America. Novon 12: 508-532. [pdf, <1 MB]
Ford, B. A. and R. F. C. Naczi. 2001. Genetic diversity in the Carex jamesii complex (Cyperaceae: sect. Phyllostachyae) with insights into the evolution and origin of the newly described species Carex timida. Sida 19: 885-897. [pdf, <1 MB]
Naczi, R. F. C. and B. A. Ford. 2001. Systematics of the Carex jamesii complex (Cyperaceae: sect. Phyllostachyae). Sida 19: 853-884. [pdf, <1 MB]
Naczi, R. F. C., R. Kral, and C. T. Bryson. 2001. Carex cumberlandensis, a new species of section Careyanae (Cyperaceae) from the eastern United States of America. Sida 19: 993-1014. [pdf, <1 MB]
Naczi, R. F. C. 1999. Carex planispicata, a widespread and frequent new species of Carex section Griseae (Cyperaceae) from the eastern United States of America. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 60: 37-44. [pdf, <1MB]
Naczi, R. F. C. 1999. Chromosome numbers of some eastern North American species of Carex and Eleocharis (Cyperaceae). Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium 22: 105-119. [pdf, 1 MB]
Naczi, R. F. C., E. M. Soper*, F. W. Case, and R. B. Case. 1999. Sarracenia rosea (Sarraceniaceae), a new species of pitcher plant from the southeastern United States. Sida 18: 1183-1206. [pdf, 4 MB]
Naczi, R. F. C., A. A. Reznicek, and B. A. Ford. 1998. Morphological, geographical, and ecological differentiation in the Carex willdenowii complex (Cyperaceae). American Journal of Botany 85: 434-447. [pdf, 2 MB]
Naczi, R. F. C. 1997. Carex pigra, a new species of Carex section Griseae (Cyperaceae) from the southeastern United States of America. Novon 7: 67-71. [pdf, <1 MB]
Naczi, R. F. C. 1993. Carex brysonii and Carex godfreyi, new species of Carex section Griseae (Cyperaceae) from the southeastern United States. Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium 19: 195-205. [pdf, 1 MB]
Naczi, R. F. C. 1990. The taxonomy of Carex bromoides (Cyperaceae). Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium 17: 215-222. [pdf, <1 MB]
Naczi, R. F. C. 1989. Carex asynchrona, a new species of section Griseae (Cyperaceae) from Tamaulipas, Mexico. Sida 13: 487-492. [pdf, <1MB]