Meredith Martin
Graduate Student, Yale University
Forest management and succession
Forest management and succession
Research locations
New World
My broad research interests lie in the ecology of economically important forest species and community forest management. Currently I am particularly interested in the resiliency of linked social-ecological systems, and how these systems react to changing market and environmental pressures. I have also conducted research on non-timber forest products in Mexico and Peru. In Mexico, I examined impacts of both management and biophysical factors on a wild-harvested Agave species that is used to make mescal, a traditional liquor. In Peru, I studied a berry called camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia) that has been commercially harvested from ox-bow lakes for over 25 years by local communities, and compared changes in population structure to an ecologically similar but un-harvested species in the same lake.
Selected Publications
Martin, M., C.M. Peters, M. Ashton. 2014. Revisiting camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia): Twenty-seven years of fruit collection and flooding at an oxbow lake in Peruvian Amazonia. Economic Botany.
Martin, M., C.M. Peters, M. Palmer, C. Illsley. 2011. Effect of habitat and grazing on the regeneration of wild Agave cupreata in Guerrero, Mexico. Forest Ecology & Management 262: 1443-1451.