Inside The Conservatory Ball
See highlights from The Conservatory Ball celebrating the launch of Around the Table: Stories of the Foods We Love!
The Conservatory Ball 2022
Barclay Collins, Jennifer Bernstein
Ariana Rockefeller
Gillian Hearst
Ivy Getty, Olivia Palermo, Nicky Hilton Rothschild, Lili Buffett
DJ Kiss
Sharon Jacob, Gillian Miniter
Sarah Chilton Bland, Sebastian Bland
Roze Traore
Maureen K. Chilton
Jennifer Bernstein
Kyle Patrick, Sarah Patrick, Cody Kittle, Alexandra Kittle, Deborah Royce, Chuck Royce
Jessica Wang
Holly Lowen
Georgina Bloomberg, Ariana Rockefeller
Freddie Cipoletti, Jenny Cipoletti, Sarah Patrick, Kyle Patrick
DeWayne Phillips, Rob Johnson, Dianne Renwick, Caroline Wamsler
Sophie Sumner
Elsa Majimbo
Ivy Getty, Paul Arnhold, Chloe Rubenstein
Olivia Palermo, Johannes Huebl
Marcos Fecchino, Ivy Getty, Nicky Hilton Rothschild
David Miller, Marcos Fecchino, Alex Badia, Johannes Huebl
Colleen Crivello, Priya Shukla, Sai De Silva, Carolyn Tate Angel, Rebecca Hessel Cohen
Christie Grimm, Candice Lupton, Lauren Levison, Lilah Ramzi
Katherine Chan, Lili Buffett, Josh Lauder
Bertrand Pochet, Julie Pochet
Di Mondo, Gillian Miniter, Fe Fendi
Di Mondo